Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 108.
Psyche 11:108-112, 1904.

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a. Transactions, American ~ntomological Society, Philadelphia. <!
3, The American XaturaSii, Boston.
4. 'She Canadian Entomologist, Londony Ont. 5. Eritomdogical Xew, Philadelphia,
6. Journal of the. New York Entomological Socieq. 1 1
7. Bulletin of Division of Entomology, U. S. Dept. Agricdture. *,! xa. Nature, London, Eng.
~4. Proceedings, Zc~oIogical Scciety of London. 18. The Ottawa Naturalist.
! 38. Weiner Entotndogi~che Zeitung,
. .
65. La Feuille des Jeunes Naturalistes, Paris. 6
68, Science, New York City.
XOS. Proceedings? Entorndogicd Sociey of -Washington. 140. Biological Bulletin, 1Vocdfs Hdl, Mass. b j ~4% Invettebrata Picifica, Havana.
! 143. Biometrika, Cambridge? Eng.
148. Bu!letin, American Museum of Natural History, N. Y. City. ZSX, Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, London, Eng. 155. State College Bulletin, Pullman, Wash. ~57. Nationai Geographic Magaziney Washington, D, C. .
158. Report, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S, Dept. Agricukwe. xsg. Arkiv f ~ r zoologi, Stockhah.
160. Popular Science Monthly, N, Y. City. !
x6t. Transactions, Linnaean Society of London. Anon.
The Reverend Jerome Schmitt [obit.], 5 Sept. Banks, N. Notes on the structure of the thora and maxillae in insects, 102 vi, I 4gY pl. I. P. P. C. Robert McLachlan [obit.], s Sep. Crampton, H. E. (a) Variation and selection in Satwniid Lepidoptera, 140 May ; $) Experiinentd and statistical studies upon hpk!opkra : I. Variaticn aud elimination in Philosamin cynthia, 143 hlar. and Jdy; Gou~, G, et Guignon, J. (a) Le es Re"0ncu1acies* L
v-. , .---*-
v . 4 v . .
-* - . -<, ,- , - .--*,+ - -


nks, N. Notes on
9, pl. I.
P. P. c.
ttion and selection
stical studies upon
thia, 143 Mar. and
ies Renonculacdes,
(fig.) 65 May: (b) Les insectes parasites des Berberidges, il 65 Sept. W. F. K.
Robert BlcLacMan (obit.) xo June 2.
Kunze, R, E. Protective resemblance, 5
Sept. Shreve, F. Some plants which entrap insects (ill.), 160 Sept. Wesche, - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - We
The labial and maxillary palpi in Aptera, 16x ix, pt. 5. -
See also Wickham under Coleoptera.
The cotton boll weevil, 68 Oct. 7. The red ant versus the boll weevil, 157 June.
McCaw, W. D.
Walter Reed [Deals with mosquitoes in relation to yellow å£ever] 160 J.uly.
See also Marlatt, under Hemiptera, and Cook and Wheeler, under Hymenop- ten.
Lankester, E. R.
The structure and classification of the Arachnids (reprint from Encyc. Britt., 10th ed.), 151 Sept. Scheffer, T. H. (i) Four new spiders
from Kansss,#
(b) The egg cocoon of the triangle spider, 5 Oct. Butler, H. The labium of the Odonatal 2 April. Williamson, E. B. (a)
A new species of
from Formosa, 5 Sept.; (b) Additional dragonfly records for western Pennsylvania, 5 Oct. Banks, N.
Neuropteroid insects from New Mexico,* 2 April. TRICHODTERA.
Banks, N.
Two new species of caddice-flies,* 102 vi, 140. [A new genus,
Glypho2syche, is described.] Ulmerl G. Ueber die von Herrn Prof, Yngve Sjostedt in Kamerun gesammei ten Trichcpteren,* 159 il 41 I. [A new genus, Protomacro- mma, is described.]
Caudell, A. N* (a) Some orthoptera taken at Moose Jaw, Assiniboia, 4 Aug. (b) On a collection of non-saltatorial orthoptera from Paraguay,* 6 xii, 179. [Two



with descriptions of
mectiden, 38 vi, 93.
1 Jose ;cak in east-
Eckcl, L. The resin-gnat and three parasites, 140 May. Felt, E P. and Young, D. B,
Importame of isolated rearings from Culicid larvze, 68 Sept. 2. Knab* F.
The epistomal appendages of mosquito larvae, 6 xi, I 75, pk X. Ludlow, C. S. Mosquito notes,* 4 Aug. Osburn, R. C. The Diptera o British Columbia, 11, 4 Aug. Portevm, G. Contribution au catalogue de Qiptbres de Normandie, 65 July.
Vilkneuve, Dr. (a) Contribution au catalogue des Dipskres de France, 1, cont., 65 June, Aug. Webster, F. M. The so-called human flea, Pu Ztx irritam, in fcsting the opsswnl Dide@hys ~irgiiiana, 4 Aug. Barnes, w. Xew species of North American Lepidoptera,* 4 Aug. Busck, A.
A new name for the Tineid genus, 6 xii, 177. [Fur Bracde~ridigia
Busck* preoccupied, the name PuracZe~mt~si~ is proposed.] Druce, H. Dexrip- tiam of some new species of butterflies belonging 10 the family Erj~i~dnc from tropical South America,* 14 Aug. [2 pl. in color.] Dyar, H. G. (a) Two new forms of Ocmi$ Hubner,* IOZ vi. r42 ; (b) two notes on l'ineid moths, 5 xii, 178 ; {c) Notes on 5ynonymy and larvae of PjraMat,* 102 vi, 158. [A new genus, CacotAempiu, is described.]
Lathy, P. 1. A contribution towards the knowledge of the Lepidoptera-Rhopalocera of Dmninka, B. ?V. I., 14 Aug. Schaus, W.
New species of American Hetermera,* 2 April. Taylor, G. W. The Geomctri-
h e in The Moth Book, 4 Aug.
See also Crampon, under The General Subject. HYMXNO~ERA.
Ashmead, W. Ha
Descriptions of new Hymenoptera from Japan,* 6 XI& 146. [A new genus, Ce>-fipemcwuides, is described. J Brues, C, T. A new spe- cies of Etit+oral* 5 Sept. Cameron, P. Sew Hymenoptera mostiy from Nicaragua,* 142 I, 46,
Cockerell, T. D. A.
Some littleknown bees of the
genus Cdldts, 5 OCL
Cook, 0. F.
(a] An enemy of the cotton bol! weevil, 158 no. 78 ; (b) Report on the habits of the kelep, or Guatemalan cotton boll weevil ant, 7 no- 49 ; (c} Pupation of the kekp ant, 68 Sept. 2. Embleton, A. L. On the anatomy and developnient of Cm~ys ihfiIix Embieton, a l~jmenopterous parasite of LCC~YZ~I~ hmti~)hmritum, 161 ix, pt. 5. Fidde, A, M.
(a) On the artificial
creation OF mixed nests of ants ; (b) Effects of light-rays on an ant, 140 May ; (c) Observations on ants in their relation to temperature and submergence, 140 Aug. ; {d) Portable ant-nests, 140 Sept.
Fullgren, A. On mme Hymenoptera Aculeata from the Camerums, 159 i, 42 j.
[A new genus, Adwoidt~, is described and fig


ured.] Kieffer, J. J. (a) Descriptions of some new Hymenoptera from Cali. fornia and Nevada: 142 I, 41 ; (b) Beschreibung neuer Proctotrypiden WX: Evaniiden,*-159 i,-szse- [Among the new - - - speci-es - - - - - described are I I from Texas, 2 each from Wis., Ill,, and N. J.? and I from Nev. and Mex.] Picard, FT- &;.-~
sur Ifinstinct du Pon@ilus wktic~~s~ 65 May. Swenk, M. H.
A new CuU~te~.~ 5
Sept. Viereck, H. L. (a) Additions to Sphegoidea ; (b) The North America~; cuckoo-wasps of the genus Pwnopes,* 2 April : (c) A bee visitor of Po~zfd~t-~,~ (pickerel-weed),* 5 Sept. [n. g,, Cot~uAaZiroides~ n. sp.] ; (d) The American getler~ of the bee family Dzfivuides,* 5 Oct. [New general NedzaZictuidcs, Cr)ptoh~~j:;- toides.] Viereck, B. L. and Cockerell, T. D. A. The PhiZmzfhidoe of Sex Nex- ico, II,* 6 xii, 129. [Tables of species are given and 19 new species are clescribt-d.: Viereck, H. L. et al. Synopsis of bees of Oregon, ilrashingtonl British Co111m- bia and Vancouverj IlI,* 4 Aug.
Wheelerl ,W. M.
(a) The ants of North
Carolina, 148 xx, art. XXVI ; (b) on the pupation of ants a% the feasibiEty oi establishing the Guaten~ah kelep or cotton weevil ant in the United Staresy 68 Sept. 30.
' See also Eckell under Uiptera.


Volume 11 table of contents