Cambridge Entomological Club, 1874

A Journal of Entomology

founded in 1874 by the Cambridge Entomological Club
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Article beginning on page 156.
Psyche 10:156-163, 1903.

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is3 PSYCHE [August
Recently through the kindness of the authorities of the Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia I had the opportunity of studying the types of AMMOPHILA contained in their collection. A synopsis of the species was arranged in tabular form with the intention of further work on the group. As this plan cannot, now be carried out it seems advisable to publish the notes made while in Philadelphia for the assistance of any who wish to study this interesting genus. In the original table have been interpolated the additional North American species not contained at the Philadelphia academy, their places having been determined from the descrip- tions alone. Owing to the incomplete diagnoses of some authors a number of these species have been placed out of their natural order, ancl hence the table is in part more artificial than is to be desired; but in the main a natural relationship is expressed.
It is strange that the study of such large, common, ancl intelligent insects should have been so long neglected. Possibly this is due to the uncertainty in the determination of the species, of the older authors and to the confusion existing between the homonymous but different species of Dahlbo~n and Lepelctier. But as in the northeastern part of the United States the species are not numerous the student of at least that section sl~ould experience but little trouble in naming his captures. For example, some two hundred specimens collected by myself in central and southern Texas, Illinois, and New England yield only three PSAMMOPHILAS, nine AMMOPIIILAS and the one COLOPTERA, thirteen species, of which ten are found in the Northeastern States.
In order of abundance of individuals these species are : frocera, ?I&-ricans, uw~aria, vwlaceipennis, extremiiata, i9iepta (Tex.), abbreuiafti, 1'uJgaris, grossa (Tex.), ~~C~LOSIZ, yrac///s3 7tlrighiii ('rex.), and an unclescribed species from Illinois.
It will he noticed that most of these are the species of the older authors.
On account of thc brevity of their descriptions the determination of these can best be accomplished by eliminating the other species found in the type locality, By this method, and as they seem to be the most abundant forms, the older species can be readily fixed. A careful redescription of them is desired from the next monographer.
A number of changes in nomenclature are instituted, whereby several well- known names are dropped as synonyms. The dubious violaceipennis is a common form of the United States, concerning'whose identity it is indeed strange that a doubt should ever have existed.
The Brazilian urnaria of Lepeletier is not the


same as Dahlbom's species; frocera Lep. is not prorera Dahlb., but is the other sex of his intercepts and both are synonyms of ti.igricans Dahlb.; bp-aci/is Cam. is not fi-adis Lep., while the Canadian form of same name seems to bc a third species.
With such well-known and long established names as cementaria, grjIphzds, fracem, rob&, mam, aaomala, etc., untenable, the future student will hesitate before describing new species. However the Mexican and Central American spe- cies of Peter Cameron seem valid and in little danger of confluence. The stumbling block or the earlier describers has often been the association of the sexes, since a distinct dimorphism often prevails. Generally the males are more slender, more hirsute, and more brilliantly marked than the females, and in those species with the abdomen partially red the males frequently have the black encroaching dorsally as a median line. Their clasping sexual organs and the narrow and straight-sided face are distinctive of this sex.
Of the species of the United States some difficulty might be experienced in differentiating between certain forms.
For this reason a few supplementary notes on the common species are added : -
vulgaris is a small species, about three fourths of an inch in length. The
mesonotum of the female generally has a deep median furrow. Thc striae of the metanotum are close together, oblique and well-cut, and are generally connected by a median line.
juncea is founded on a slender male with very fine transverse mctanotal striae. The central portion of the disc is sometimes confusedly punctate and slightly hairy. It is a larger form than valgaris.
sfrema is about one inch in length and has complete transverse striae on the metanotum not quite so well marked as in vulyaris but rougher than injuncea. The anterior striae tend to become oblique. The female has a short narrow impressed line on the mesonotum.
The obsolete striate arrangement of the punctures near the tegulae is quite characteristic and fairly constant in this species. The rather coarse striae of the metanotum are more or less oblique and frequently become rugulose on the disc as in juncea.
abbreviata is quite distinct among the local species by the acuminate clypeus of the male, the short pale golden macule of the inesopleurae, and the black abdomen.
nz'picans also has the abdomen mostly black but the pleurae are entirely black and the wings darkened.
extremitata is quite distinct by the yellowish wings. The thorax of the female is matte-black and the abdomen contains a brighter red than in the other common forms.


procera is the only local species with complete and coarse transverse striae on the noturn.
It is also the largest of our species, some specimens attaining nearly an inch and a half in length.
It is believed that the following table will give a truthful determination of the species of this group as they have been defined, and since the species necd no longer be confused it is hoped that an interest in their study may be aroused. Especially to be desired is the observation of the habits of these intelligent wasps, -a pleasant research,- for the
aininophiles are intellectually superior to the other fossorial Hymenoptera, as the entertaining records of Fabre, the Peckhams, Williston, and others have shown.
Front wings with three submarginal cells, hubmedian cell but little shorter than the median. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Front wings with but two submarginal cells . . . . . . . . . 3-
Petiole of abdomen consisting of the first abdominal seginent only (PSAMM~P~~ILA) 4, Petiole of abdomen consisting of the entire first segment and at least the basal portion of the second . . . . . . . . . . (AMMOPIIILA) 18. 3.
Second and third submargiuals united.
Black species with the base of the abdomen red (anomalo~cs species of AmmoftJiila} 74.
Third submarginal cell wanting; submedian cell distinctly shorter than the median (COLOPTEKA) 7.7.
4. Body wholly black, piceous-black, or hlue-hlack . . . . . . . 5-
Abdomen more or less ten-uginous . . . . . . . . . . 7-
5. Met~~iotum centrally opaque, closely punctured . . . 10. $iceiveniri^ Cam. Metanotum shining, ~ransverselv stfiolate . . . . . . . . 6. 6. Slender ; pubescence in part whitish ; face silv-ery ; iibdoinen more or less purplish 2. luctuosa Sm. (^.
Robust ; pubescence hlack ; face hroad, black pubescent ; ahdomen black 2. Zuctnosa Sm. Q.
7. Pubescence of tliorax wholly black . , . . . . . . . . 8. . . . . . . . Pubescence more or less brownish, grav, or uhiic '3,
8. Abdomen except the petiole entirel? ferruginous . . . . . 9. Abdomen proper in part black . . . . . . . . . . . 11. 9. Clypens broadly projecting' in the middle, the projection sinnated . 6. jasm Cam. The margin of the clypeus pluridentate . . . . . . . . . 10. I Wings with a yellow tingc; metanot~nn obliquely rugose . . 3, valida Cress. Wings with a violaceous tinge; metanotum transversely striolated I I. (wudridentata Cum,
I Metathoraxrugose;wingsviolaccous . . . . . . 8. soiiorensisCam. Metathorax trans-striate; wings violaceous-black to subhyaline . . . . 12, I .
Petiole of abdomen short, not extending beyond the hind trochanters; large species 4. g'rossa Cress. 9.


I 5 g
Petiole extending beyond the hind trochanters; smaller species variable in pubescence and wing-coloration . . . . . . . . I. viotaceifenxis Lep. Third submarginal cell small, barrel-shaped; eves strongly convergent below 12. facifica Mel. and Br.
Third submarginal normal, /. c, broader below than above . . . . .
Front and middle legs in part red . . . . . . . 9. morn'so?~~ Cam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Legs entirely black 1.5, Petiole of abdomen short, not extending beyond hind trochanters; stout species 4. possa Cress. $å
Petiole much longer; smaller species . . . . . . . . . 16. Base of abdomen entirely ferruginous . . . . . . . . . 17. Only the sides of the first and second segments reddish . . . 5. montana Cam. . . . . . . . .
Legs densely pruinose . . 7. alpesins Cam. Legs sparsely pruinose . . . . . . . I. vii>lareipen?zis Lep. 8. Pro-ornieso-notu~ntransverselysti-igusc . . . . . . . . 19. Disc of thorax pnnct-iu-ed or smooth, never with complete transverse strigdc . 34. Thoi ax or legs in part red . . . . . . . . . . . . XI. Ground color of thorax and legs entirely black . . . . . . . 21. Head red; inetanotnin transversely striate . . . . 28. ferrugi-nosa Cress. Mead black; metanotal striae becoming rugose laterally . . . p. coIZa>-iq Cress. Abdomen wholly black above . . . . . . . . . . . 22. Abdomen in part red above . . . . . . . . . . . 27. Scutellum with strong longitudinal carinae . . . . . 43. ceres Cam. Scutellum with longitudinal grooves or simply punctate . . . . . 23. Pleurae with golden to silvery spots ; abdomen aln~ost wholly black ; clypeus of male ac~ilniiiale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24. Pleurae with elongate silvery markings; third venti-21 in part red; clypens of inale not produced. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. Tip of metapleume with a marking of silvery pubescence . 13. abbre7,iata Fabr. Tip of ~netathorax not marked with glistening pubescence . 42. (inreonotufa Cam. Face wiih silvery piie and pubescence; inetathorax transversely striate 17. grarilis Lep.
Face more or less silvery but with black pubescence also; metanotum with oblique striae at least in part . . , . . . 26.
Prothorax shorter, sculpture of thorax coarser and insect more pubescent 23. bd~-bisfa Sin.
Prothorax longer and comparatively stout; sculptnre of thorax less coarse 16. $rocera Dahlb.
Black pilose species; upper part of inetathorax velvet black, and arcuately strigosc; wings fulvous . . . . . . . . 31. extremitata Cress. 8 Not such species ; pile in part lighter . . . . . . . . . 2s. Metapleume rngosely punctate . . . . . . . . . . . 29. Metapleurae strigose . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33- Clypeus coarsely punctured; n~esothorax punctured at middle hut becoming strigose at the sides; disc of metanotum obliquely striated . . . 27. codifor Sni. Species not conforining with all these characters . . . . . . . 30,
Face with whitish pubescence ; abdomen largely red . . . . . . 31.


. . . . . . . . . . . Face with black pubescence 32- 31. Legs completely black . . . . . . . . . 32, -poZiLa Cress. LC"; densely prniuose . . . . . . . . . 46. striolata Cam. 32. Prothorax transversely striate . , . , . . , 45, cham-pioni Cam. Prothorax smooth . . . . . . . . . . 25. flacida Sm. ^. Abdomen almost wholly red . . . . . . . . . 26. saeva Sm. Petiole and apical part of abdomen black . . . . . . 16. procera Dahlb.
34. Legs at least in large part red . . . . . . . . . . . 35- Ground color of legs wholly black or piceous . . . . . . . . 40.
3.7. Head and clypeus black; inetanotuin at least centrally with transverse striae . 36. Metanotum sharply, densely, and obliquely striated ; face and clypeus silvery 19. abe-rfi I-Iald,
Sides of thorax with markings of silvery pubescence; central part of metanotum p11- bescent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pleurae and metanotu-in not pubescent, pleurae with three large silver! pruinose spots 60. feinr;r-r~;:brum Fox
First joint of petiole black, i. e.. with more black than second joint . . .
First joint of petiole with more red than second joint; species of 16-25 mm. 29. 'prutnosa Cress.
Pleurae with dense matted pubescence; species of 35 to 40 mnl. 24. yarrow! Cress. 9-
Pleur;ie with sparser more erect hairs; species under 30 mm. . . . . 39- 39. Base of femora black; thorax not densely pubescent above . . 21. breviceps Sm. Four anterior legs red; thorax densely pubescent above . . . 58. comanche Cam. 40. Wings yellowish or fulvous . . . . . . . . . . . 41. Wings dark-violaceous to subhyaline . . . . . . . . . 42. +. Head and thorax matte-black, sparsely black pilose . . 31. esttremitata Cress. $. Head and thorax bluish, dense!}- fnsco-pilose . . . . 44. zantJio$fera Cam. 42. Mesopleurae with spots or oblique stripings of silvery golden color . . . 43. Pleurae uniform in color, not with pubescent inarkinp . . . . . . 61. 43, Thoracic noturn with appressed sericeous pubescence and erect hairs . . . 44. Thorax devoid of dense oppressed pubescence but often with sparse to dense hairs and sometimes more or less pruinosc . . . . . . . . . 48.
44. Central space of metathorax closely pubescent . . . . 24. yarrowi Cress. Metathorax not pubescent centrally . . . . . . . . . 45- 45. Abdomen largely red, the segments with a black dorsal spot . . 61. nasalis Prov. . . . . . . . . . . Abdomen nearly or wholly black 46,
The dilated part of the second segment except its hind margin red 18. cu'vcnsis Lep.
Abdomen completely blue-black; third submarginal narrow; the sericeous pubesence confined to the front part of the thorax . . . . . . . . 47- 47. Metapleurae coarsely striated; hind coxae covered with silvery pubescence 37. 7fdt~~?Y~ Cam.
Metapleurac finely rugulose ; hind coxae silvery above only . 13. abbrcviata Fahr.
8 ,
Central part of metathoracic disc rugulose, scutellum with longitui.lina.1 striae 20. f?wgiZi.v Snl.
Central part but little roughened, generally more or less striated . . . . 49.
Small species clothed with silvery cinereous pubescence; nietanotum with well-marked oblique striae generally connected by a median line . . 33. vulgaris Cress.


19031 MELANDER:-ATORTH AMERICAN SPECIES OF AMMOPHILA 161 Species of other character, the nietanotnm only rarely with a median line . . 50. 50. Face covered with golden pubescence ; abdomen largely reddish; clypeus not pro- duced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pubescence of face of other color, if golden the abdomen is black and the clypeus of the male is produced . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52. 51. Punctures of thorax fine and sparse; scutell~im strongly furrowed 57. ckiriquensis Cam.
Pu~ic~nres of thorax close; scutelluin mgose . . . . . 53. dejecta Cam. 52. Heail and thorax with sparse black but no silvery pubescence . . . . 53. Pubescence of head (inclusive of face) and thorax in part silvery, gray, or fuscous 55. 53. Mesonotinn strigose or very thickly punctate towards the sides. Eastern species.
14. uma& Dahlh.
Mesonotumsimplypunctate. Mexicanspecies . . . . . . . 54- 54. Ground color black over all . . . . . . . 10. i~idz'f~s Cam. Abdomen with the second segment red . . . . . . so. censors Cam. . . . . . . . . . . .
5.5. ScutelIum sparsely punctate .56.
ScitLelli~~ndeeplychanneledlongitudinally . . . . . . . . 59. 56. Silvery mark of mesopleurae elongate ; base of abdomen red . . . . 57- Pleural spots short; abdomen nearly black; third submarginal cell narrow ; clypeus of ale produced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58. 57. Uorsal furrow of ~nesonotuni deep . . . . . . . 35. sh-a7zwu Cress. Dorsalfurrowofrnesonotumindistinct . . . . . 52. rnontexumffCam. 58. Metapleurae finely rugulose; third antennal joint nearly twice the length of the second 13. abbreuiatu Fabr.
Metaplenrae coarsely striated; third antennal joint one fourth longer than the fourth 37. miliaris Cam.
Thorax nearly impunctate, but covered with dense silvery pubescence ; slender species 36. j-ancsa Cress.
Thorax strongly punctured, its pubescence with long- darker hairs intermixed. Mexican species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60. Go.
Third submarginal cell twice as wide at the bottom EIS at the top 55. azteca Cam.
Third submarginal only one fourth longer at the bottom than at the top -graciUs Cam. 61. Wings blackish ; thorax black-sericeous ; puhesccnce dense 8, or sparser $ 15. nigricans Dahlb.
Wings sub- or fusco-hjdine . . . . . . . . . . . 62. 62. Abdomen without red markings . . . . . . . . . . 63. Abdomen in part red . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6s. 63 Blue-black species ; pleurae more or less shining; face with sparse sib-er~ pubescence 64. Black species ; pleurae opaque . . . . . . 41. cefiiralis Cam. 64. Pubescence sparse; hind tibiae with fulvous hairs . . . 38. gmiweri Cniii, Pubescence dense, fuscous ; legs with almost no hairs . . . 39. micans Cam. 6.j. Thorns opaque matte elv vet-black on the sides; species of the United Slates . 66. Pleurae not matte-black . . . . . . . . . . . . 67. 66. A spot of g-olden pubescence above the base of the middle and hind co=~e 31. exfrcwitata Cress.
No such spots present . . . . . exfremiiufct var. picii-penms Wrtlsh. 67. Pro- and meso-thorax silvery pruinose. Cuba. . . . . 62. gnerifiti D. T.


162 PSYCHE [August
. . . . 68,
. . . . . 71.
. . . . . 69.
. . 49. 'pici-pes Cam.
. . . . .
47. iiltirola Cam.
. 22. ~ilricepsSmiih
. 48. trichiosoma Cam.
. . . . .
Thorax not pruinose; more or less polished. Mexico 68. Metatborax transversely striate . . . . . Metathorax transversely rugose or punctured , . 69. Antennae reddish; scutellum channelled . . . Antennae hlack ; scutellum rugose . . . . . 70. Face golden-pubescent . . . . . . .
Face with sparse black hairs only . . . . . Face with silvery pubescence and black hairs . . . . ~
71. Scutellum rugose or coarsely punctured . . . . Sci~tellum deeply longitudinally channeled . . . . . . . . 73- Scutellum finely punctured ; sides of thorax silvery pubescent ju. conxftrs Cam. f. 72. Thoracic punctures close ; metathorax trans-striate ; hairs of face sparse .$I. +rocs.erulm Caw.
Sculpture of thorax indistinct, the metanotal striae oblique; hairs of face dense and silvery in the male . . . . . . . . 34. mediafa Cress. 73. Thorax shining, punctured . . . . . . . . . 54. C07x Cam. Thorax opaque, finely rugose . . . . . . . ,;6. voiianicn Cam. 74. Pubescence of body white . . . . . . . . 9. nearcticn Kohl. Pubescence of body hlack '. . . . . . . 31. eittremitata Cress. f. 75. Small slender reddish species with long petiole and transversely striate thorax 63. wightii Crcss.
The following list includes the species of this group which have been described as from North America.
The species are given in chionologic~l order and show no phyletic sequence.
I. vi'olacd'pennis Lep., Hym., vol. 3, 1). 370. (1845). Ainer. bor. ceinentaria Smith, Cat. 11ym. Brit. nus., vol. 4, p. 223. (1856).
rnbiista Cress., Pi-oc. EnL, soc. Phil.. vol. 4, p. 461. 9. (1S6.j).
omnuitis Cress., ibid., p. 462.
z d c t u o s a Smith, Cat. IIym. Ih-it. mus., vol. 4, p. 224. 9. (18.56). Can. TJ. S., Mex.,
aryent+vm Crcss., Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., vol. 4, p. 462. f. (186.5).
mexicana Sanss., Reise Novarn. Hyni., p. 25. (1868). ';. naiida Cress., Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., vol. 4, p. 461. 9. (1865). Col. 4. grossa Cress., Trans. Arner. ent. sac., vol. 4, p. 209. 9. (1872). Tex. Melander and Brues, Biol. bull., vol. 2, p. 41. f. (1902).
5. moniana Cameron, Biol. Cent.-Amer. Hym,. vol. 2, p. 20. $. (1888). Mex. 6. jason Cam., ibid., p. 20. 9. Guatemala: 7. al-pestris Cam., ihid., p. 21. $. Panama. 8. souoren!,h Cam., ibid,, p. 21. 9. Mex. 9. moi-risoni Cam., ibid., p. 21. 8. Mex. 10. piceiventris Cam., ibid., p. 22. 9. Guatemala. 11. filtndvide?~tctffi Cam., ibid., p. 23. 9. Mex. 12. pacifies. Melander and Brnes, Biol. bull., vol. 3, p. 42. 8. (1902). Cal.


13. ahbyeviala Fan,.: ^\'st. Piczxtort~tn, p. 204. $ 9. (1804). V. S., Mex., S. Amer. 14. uw~ifia King, Dahll~,, Hym. Ew., vol. I. p. 14. (1843). U. S. 15. +icons Dahlb., ibid., p. 14. 8. Amel-. bor. ififercepta Lep.. llyin., vol. 3, p. 378. (18~5).
proceru Lep., ibid., p. 376. 9. (1845).
macro Crew., Prou. Enl. soc. Phil., vol. 4, p. 460. f. (1865).
16. flrocera KIug. Dahlb., llrm. Eiir., vol. I, p. I,;. (T Q. (1843). Amer. bor. gr~jkits Smith, Cat. Hym. Brit. inus., vol. 4. p. 222. (1856).
gruciZis Lep., Ilym., vol. 3, p. 381.
,? 9.
Can, V. S. Mex. (nec yrncilis of Cameron). 18. tirrensi's Lep.. ibid., p. 384. 8 $2. Arner. hor. 19. aheyfi Halde~nan. Stans. Gt. Salt Lake Exp., 368. (1852). West U. S. Patton, Bull. I: S. geol. SUIT., vol. .5. p. 3.73. $ 3. (1879).
20. frcgili'.< Smith. Cat, Hvin. Brit. mus., vol. 4, p. 219. (T 9. (18.56). Brazil, Mex., Costa Rica. Tex.
hep!a Cresson, Trans. Ainer. ent. soc., vol. 4. p. 209. 9. (1672).
21. lireaice/is Smith, Cat. IIym. Brit. mus., voi. 4, p. 221. ?. (1856). Mes. v,r?;fl~~ Cress., Proc. Ent. SOC. Phil., vol. 4, p. 457. 8 ?. (1865). Col. Mex. 22. africQs Siijill~, Cut. Hym, Brit. ITILIS., vol. 4, p. 221. 3 $7. (1856). Mex. 23. barbafn Smith, Ann. mag. nat. hist., (41, vol. 12, p. 260. 9. (1873). Mes. 34.. yarrwi Cress.. Rept. Geogr. geol. surv., iooth mer., vol. 5, p. 713. $. (1873). Col. 25. placida Smith, Cat. llym. Brit. inus., vol. 4, p. 221. (T. (1836). Cal. 26. saez'a Smith, ibid., p. 222. $. Cal. 27. rondifu~ Smith, ibid., p. 223. Fla.
28. ferruginosa Cresson, Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., vol. 4, p. 455. (1865). Col. ay. $&osa Cress., ibid., p. 4 55. Col.
jo. collarif Cress., ibid,, p. 4.56. Col. 31. evfi'emitata Cress., ibid., p. 457.
Col., Tex., Ill., N. Mex.
fz'cfifenizis Walsh, Ainer. ent.. vol. I, p. 164. (1869).
cifmctia Taschenbery, Zeitschr. ges. natiirw., vol. 34, 434. (186~). 111. 32. fol2.a Cress., Proc. Ent. soc. Phil., vol. 4, 458. $2. (1865). Col. 33. v~~/pris Cress., ibid., p. 458. f 9. Col., Tex., X. Mex., 111. 34. å´!trediai Cress., ibid.. p. 459. 3 9. Col. 3.5. sfrwma Crcss., ibid.. p. 459. 9. Col., N. Mcx. 36. juncca Cress., ibkl., p. 460. $. Col. 37. milia~k Cameron, Bid. Ceritr.-Ainer. Hym., vol. 2, p. 3, 8. (1888). Gwy.tu~nala, Panama
38. /~tiufiieri Cam., ibid., p. 4. 3. Guat., Mex. 39. micans Cam., ihid., p. 5. 9. Guat.
40. irirft'fennis Cam., ibid., p, j. $ 9. Guat. 41. cenfra/./'s.Cam., ibid., p. 6. 8. Gut. 42. aureo7zuLata Cam., ibid., p. 7. $ 9. Mex. 43. ceres Cam.; ibid., p. 8. 3. Guat.
44. zmfJio$tera Cam., ibid., p. 8. 9. Guat. 4.;. cham$iodCam., ibid., p. 9, $2. Gnat.


46. stnolato Cam., ibid., p. 10. 9. Mex. 47. alticola Cam., ibid., p. 10. $å Mex. 48. irichiosoma Cam., ibid., p. 11. 8, Gnat. 49. å´fiici'pe Cam., ibid., p. 11. $å Mex. 50. cofzsors Cani., ibid., p. 12. $ 2. Mex. .TI. nc&ocaerulea Cam., ibid,, p. 12. $. Mex. 52. wottt~zztma Cam., ibid., p. 13. 8. Mex. 53. dejecta Cam., ibid., p. 14. Mex.
$4. cora Cam., ibid., p. 14. $' Guat.
sj. aztecuCam.,ibid.,p.17. 9. Mex.
56. voltanica Cam., ibid., p. 17. 9. Panama. 57. chz'~iqicensis Cam., ibid., p. 18. 9 Panama. 58. comanche Cam., ibid., p. 19. Mex.
59, tiearciica Kohl, Verb. zoo1.-bot. ges. Wien, vol. 34, p. 18. 3. 1889. Wash. 60. femur-rubnim Fox, Froc. Cal. acad. sci., (2), vol. 4, p. 102. $. (1894). L. Cal. 61. fiasalis Provancher, "Nat.can. vol. 20, p. in. 3. (1895). Cal.

Volume 10 table of contents