Technologically Enhanced Education in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Principal Investigators:
On-line tutor used in MIT course 6.001 'Structure and Interpretation of Compute Programs', showing automatic checking of programming exercises. Prof. Tomás Lozano-Pérez -Dept. of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

Additional Investigators:
Prof. Eric Grimson (EECS), Prof. Leslie Kaelbling (EECS), Dr. Chris Terman (EECS), Prof. Patrick Winston (EECS)

Project Overview:

Faculty in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) have been experimenting with major changes in the format and content of several of the Department's key courses. They are developing and using on-line, interactive technologies that enable students to learn at their own pace and on their own schedules and to get immediate and complete feedback on their mastery of material; and enable faculty to spend their time on developing new content, rather than rehashing of old content, and enable teaching assistants to spend their time on face-to-face interactions with the students, rather than grading.

This work uses different combinations of:

These technologies define a new genre of course materials that goes far beyond printed textbooks or Web sites of materials to be printed. This research is already being used in three of the large undergraduate Computer Science subjects in EECS (6.001, 6.034 and 6.004) and are under evaluation for 6.042. Extensive surveys have been conducted in 6.001 and 6.034; student reaction has been quite positive.


6.001: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs ( - Eric Grimson, Leslie Kaelbling and Tomás Lozano-Pérez

The new materials have been used in this subject during Fall '00, Spring '01 and Fall '01 with an average of 300 students per semester. The format, made possible by the on-line presentations and assignments is

6.034: Intelligence ( Tomás Lozano-Pérez and Patrick Winston

The new materials have been used during Fall '00 and Fall '01 with an average of 300 students per semester.

6.004:Computation Structures ( Chris Terman

Full-scale use has begun in Fall '01.

The format for the subject is:

Screen shots of the laboratory check-off process:

Additonal Pilot Projects

6.555J/HST582J - Biomedical Signal and Image Processing (Spring '01) Julie Greenberg (, On-line tutorial on Spectral Analysis.

6.042 - Math for Computer Science (Fall '01) Albert Meyer, On-line practice problems.