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[TP 755 CDV] PPP Failure

I'm running Warp 4 FP5 on an 40M ThinkPad 755 CDV.
I once was happy because everything went really well with my communication 
I really do not know what I did (I upgraded Mwave from 2.22 to 2.24,
upgraded from FP1 to FP5, but I do NOT know if it is related) but from now 
on every time I want to access the Internet I get the following:
- load Mwave 28800 Modem: ok
- load the "Dial Other Internet Providers": ok
- dial a PPP connexion: I get
    PPP Driver Failure
    Connexion ERROR
Never had this before ?
Just for the fun, I changed this provider from PPP to SLIP and the error   
was gone (but my provider really do not offer SLIP connexion); when coming 
back to PPP, the error was back also ?
When I'm trying to use CIM for OS/2, the app complains about a port not ready ?
Any idea ?
Should I consider reinstalling all the TCP stuff ? and if yes, should I,   
after reinstalling, apply FP5 again ?
I have just discovered that those things above do not appear when I'm using
SIO.SYS instead of COM.SYS. Could this be the explanation ?
Of course I have a different config to start SIO. Could this also be the
explanation (I mean the statement order in my different config.sys - well  
you know, they all worked well before.....)

TIA and have a nice day

01/29/98  18:36:19
Francois Hurter
CompuServe:   100041,1117
Internet:     abacab@swissonline.ch