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Re: HD Protect Passwords

On Wed, 19 Nov 1997 10:08:42 -0700, Steve Hultquist wrote:

>Nope. The password is a cooperation between the drive and the
>controller/carrier. Previously on this list someone took one out and
>tried to read it in a desktop and the entire disk was all zeros. They
>did it right, gang! You can't read a Thinkpad disk that has a password
>on it unless you know the password.
>And I, for one, am very glad of that!
IBM sort of did that with the PS/2 systems.  For example, on my Model 60
(286-10), the MFM hard drive has a special track (like track 0 or something)
encoded with information about the drive, or maybe a driver that needs to load, like
for an option board.  So, I wouldn't be supprised if this is similiar to what IBM is now
doing with the ThinkPads.
