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Re: Iomega ZIP vs. JAZ


On July 31 1997, Alden S Klovdahl wrote:

> 4.  the whole system is propriety - you can only read a Jaz drive with a Jaz
> drive.  once you get one you are locked into iomega for life.

Well - ZIP is the same; ditto also. There is no standard for these huge
data storage systems except Backup Tapes like DAT.

> be also interested in hearing of others' portable, small footprint, large
> capacity storage solutions.

For my thinkpad (it is an old 370C), I use a IC-CARD Ethernet Card (it
emulates a DE-650) and the Adaptec 1460 SlimSCSI-PCMCIA-Card. I never had
problems with this combination under Linux (the only system where you just
can put out the card or insert it without causing a system crash :-)
or WinNT.

Ciao, Hanno
|  Hanno Wagner  | Member of the HTML Writers Guild  | Rince@IRC      |
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"The odds were on *my* side."

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