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Re: 560 display slowdown

Could it be that the TP760 has a cache and the older TP560s don't?  I
didn't buy a TP560 for that very reason.  I understand the new TP560s
machines have the cache.

> >   If it is any consolation Word 97 runs like a dog on my TP560-120/40MB
> > system too.  It is also slow on my P100/64MB desktop.  I think the
> > problem is that Microsoft couldn't code an eficient app if their lives
> > depended on it.
> Funny, I've read this same criticism about Office 97 elsewhere, but it
> like a dream on my 760ED. I notice no speed slowdown compared to Word 5
> which I had on my P166 desktop, and disk access is comparable to anything
> else which runs under Win95. Perhaps the problems lies elsewhere...