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Re: Intro/TP 760ED modem/ int'l calls

>>>>> "Anita" ==   <Anita_Goswami@oxy.com> writes:

 Anita>           One user with a 760ED, 32MB RAM, Mwave 28.8 has
 Anita> multiple problems with dialing.:

 Anita>           1. Dialing from a hotel in US to electronic mail
 Anita> system in US. Everything works fine. Calls again. Gets a dial
 Anita> tone, begins to connect but does not complete the
 Anita> connection. The modem generates a tone which does not stop until
 Anita> the application is closed (cc:Mail Mobile). Retries and has same
 Anita> problem. Any ideas?

It's trying to get a real connection.  You might try to back it down to
either 14.4 or 9.6 (see comments below).

 Anita>           2. Found it very difficult to get a high speed
 Anita> connection (14.4/28.8) while traveling abroad.  Does anyone have
 Anita> any experience with this? We are involved in multiple countries
 Anita> (throughout Asia, Middle East, Europe).

You are experiencing the joys of trying to do digital connectivity over
analog media.  The telecommunications infrastructure is such that it's
difficult to get a 28.8 connection when you are *local* to the remote
end.  When you are remote, especially internationally, it's virtually
impossible.  Hopefully, the modem negotiation helps you back off as
needed, but this doesn't always work.  Hence, my suggestion above to
manually back it off.

