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Re: One word: Classifieds

At 11:59 PM 8/16/96 EDT, Robert Dewar wrote:
>I would say that you are both right, it is true that you could get
>$1200 for that machine, and it was also true that it was not worth
>nearly that much. What this shows is that if you are inclined you
>can certainly try to sell a machine for more than it is worth (to
>someone who knows what things are worth) if you manage to find
>someone who does not know what things are worth!

Gee Robert, with opinions such as those, would you please contact me the
next time you have a used TP to sell? Actually, since used machines are
worth so little to those who /know/ what things are worth, you would
probably just give me your old one, right?

Of course, if you are using someone else's money and don't actually own
the machine then your /opinion/ of what one is worth is theoretical at

My apologies for wasting bandwidth to those who have already put Robert in
their twit filter.

Vicky Stables, CPA