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Re: 701 and win95

At 09:05 PM 8/9/96 -0400, bivanovi@golden.net wrote:

>I have two things that I don't like about the 701 running win95, does anyone
>else have the same problem, or solutions?
>1.  Adjusting the volume with FN PgUp / PgDn sometimes makes the pointer
>    disappear.  This didn't happen in 3.1.

        Happens here too on mine.  If I push the stick  all the way to
bottom & then back up, I usually get my pointer back.

>Also, I have 8MB RAM, how much of an improvement is there, going to 16 or 24?

        With Win '95?  I'd say enormous.  I bought an extra 8 MB when I got
my 701 and never regretted it.  Win '95 uses a *lot* memory.  Prices are so
cheap now, I'd recommend you go strait to a full 24 MB.  Even then, on my
machine at least, it seems barely enough (I load up lots of cutesy stuff
with Win '95 like Norton tools).

Randy Whittle		rwhittle@usa.net
USC Graduate School of Business    http://www-scf.usc.edu/~whittle

	Women often ask, "What do men really want, deep in their souls?"
The best answer--based on in-depth analysis of the complex and subtle
interplay of thought, instinct, and emotion that constitutes the male
psyche--is that deep in their souls, men want to watch stuff go 'bang'.
			- Dave Barry, October 2, 1994