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Re: 701C Modem

> 	Thanks for the advice, guys!  Putting the m in the dial string worked;
> sorry, John, but I never got it to work in the init string.  Care to email
> me yours so I can try it out?

Okay, I use OS/2 for all my thinkpad networking and I get my access 
from PSI Interramp.  I use the following init strings in the OS/2 

1st init  string: ATF  (reset to factory settings, I believe)
2nd init string: ATE0&C1&D2&S1&Q5&K3W1M

This has solved all my disconnect problems with PSI.  I've been 
using it for about a month without any problem.

I'm getting ready to set up PPP on the thinkad to access our
corporate network.  I will let you know if the same modem
string works well for this case.

John G.