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Date: 1 Apr 1996 11:30:11 U
From: thinkpad@CS.UTK.EDU
Subject: <C> thinkpad digest for Sun
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Mail*Link(r) SMTP               thinkpad digest for Sun, 31 Mar 1996

Today's topics:

    (no subject)  (Marc Weidenbaum)
    755Cs XF86Config problems  (David Whiting)
    Intro....& Q's  (Dennis Pantazis)
    Cheap HDs for the 701?  (Christoph Eyrich)
    701 & OSes (was: Intro....& Q's)  (John H. Kim)

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Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 13:26:29 -0800
From: Marc Weidenbaum <mrcwdnbm@calweb.com>
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: (no subject)
Message-Id: <315DA705.4061@calweb.com>



Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 14:28:54 -0700
From: David Whiting <whitingd@byu.edu>
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: 755Cs XF86Config problems
Message-Id: <9603302128.AA31029@stata2.byu.edu>

Hi all,

I have successfully installed linux on my 755Cs, but cannot get X-windows
to work properly.  I've read the Linux-on-ThinkPad FAQ at
http://www.hooked.net/people/jesse/linux, but my netscape won't properly
download tpdualscan or XF86_SVGA.  For some reason, I cannot even compile
tpdualscan.c properly.  Is there an ftp site where I can retrieve these
files?  I believe this is all I need to get up-and-running.



      `0_ 0  )   `-.  (     ).`-.__.`)      David G. Whiting
      (_Y_.)'  ._   )  `._ `. ``-..-'       Department of Statistics
    _..`--'_..-_/  /--'_.' .'               Brigham Young University
   (il).-''  ((i).'  ((!.-'                 Provo, UT 84602

 office:  232 TMCB
  phone:  (801) 378-4193
  email:  whitingd@byu.edu  


Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 02:40:23 -0600
From: Dennis Pantazis <pantazis@students.uiuc.edu>
To: thinkpad <THINKPAD@cs.utk.edu>
Subject: Intro....& Q's
Message-Id: <Pine.A32.3.91.960331022555.213128A-100000@ux7.cso.uiuc.edu>

Greetings!  I have just joined the ranks of ThinkPad-ers!  I have a 701C 
DX4-75, 8 (soon to go up to 24)M and a 720 HD.

So far I have after a week of ownership played and browsed about and 
tried to get used to my TP. I have been paring down the program files, 
getting rid of crap like AOL/Prodigy etc....it has been a tedious task to 
say the least to back up the drive first via null modem and Tranxit to my 
desktop HD.

My interests for the machine are to dual boot WFW and OS/2 off of the 
720, and if I can find a 360 or 540 cheap, install LINUX or BSD on it.

A couple of quick questions though....

1.  I would like to reinstall OS/2 on an HPFS partition.  I do like the 
featured icons which allow you to change os's while in the other.  Is 
there any way to keep them even though I will put os/2 on hpfs?

2.  On transfer programs,,, Any suggestions? My 701 came preloaded with 
PUMA TranXit, although not bad, I have an IrDA adaptor, and need to 
upgrade to gain that compatibility.  Is there anything better than 
TranXit?  I had trouble running it out of a WIN-OS/2 session.

3.  On Linux-  I saw the thinkpad 755/Linux FAQ, but have not seen a 
701C/CS FAQ. Does it exist, or will anyone who has installed it get in 
touch with me please.

4.  Is there a need to run QEMM or EMM386 to better utilize available 
memory? What if any pitfalls are there?  Conflicts with the video 


I am glad that I found this email group, it is so nice to be able to be 
in the company of people with similar computre 'values' and inerests.



Dennis Pantazis				My opinions are my own, and can not
<pantazis@uiuc.edu>			be interpreted as extensions of the 
Graduate Student in Civil Engineering	University's official policies.
University of Illinois-Urbana
(the Extended Tour of Duty continues)

You  can see us at http://students.uiuc.edu/~pantazis !!!!!



Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 12:05:01 +0100
From: eyrich@zedat.fu-berlin.de (Christoph Eyrich)
To: thinkpad@cs.utk.edu
Subject: Cheap HDs for the 701?
Message-Id: <m0u3KwQ-000dQvC@fub46.zedat.fu-berlin.de>

Does anyone know a source for cheap HDs for the TP 701? It
seems that a 720MB is something like $800 or $900 which
is quite a lot.. :-(

Christoph Eyrich



In-Reply-To: <Pine.A32.3.91.960331022555.213128A-100000@ux7.cso.uiuc.edu>
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 08:25:39 -0500
From: "John H. Kim" <jokim@tuna.mit.edu>
To: Dennis Pantazis <pantazis@students.uiuc.edu>
CC: thinkpad <THINKPAD@cs.utk.edu>
Subject: 701 & OSes (was: Intro....& Q's)
Message-Id: <Pine.LNX.3.91.960331080906.9106A-100000@tuna.mit.edu>

On Sun, 31 Mar 1996, Dennis Pantazis wrote:

> Greetings!  I have just joined the ranks of ThinkPad-ers!  I have a 701C 
> DX4-75, 8 (soon to go up to 24)M and a 720 HD.
> My interests for the machine are to dual boot WFW and OS/2 off of the 
> 720, and if I can find a 360 or 540 cheap, install LINUX or BSD on it.
> 1.  I would like to reinstall OS/2 on an HPFS partition.  I do like the 
> featured icons which allow you to change os's while in the other.  Is 
> there any way to keep them even though I will put os/2 on hpfs?

First of all, if you want OS/2 on an HPFS partition, you can't use
dual boot.  You need to use boot manager.  Dual boot only works if
OS/2 and DOS both reside on the c: drive.  I'm pretty sure the icons
just call the dual boot scripts so if you're not using dual boot,
they won't do you any good.  Boot manager is actually nicer.  You
get to pick the OS you want to use off a menu at startup.  You can
configure the default OS and timeouts as well.

The problem is that Microsoft thinks their OS is the only OS you
should use.  DOS (or Win95 for that matter) will set itself to be
the startup partition, bypassing boot manager.  To reset it you
have to use DOS fdisk to set boot manager's partition to startup.
If that doesn't work, use OS/2's fdisk.  You'll have to use OS/2's
fdisk anyway to add DOS to the startup menu if you didn't do it
the first time.  i.e.:

partition drive
install boot manager & OS/2
install DOS
use fdisk to set boot manager to startable.

> 2.  On transfer programs,,, Any suggestions? My 701 came preloaded with 
> PUMA TranXit, although not bad, I have an IrDA adaptor, and need to 
> upgrade to gain that compatibility.  Is there anything better than 
> TranXit?  I had trouble running it out of a WIN-OS/2 session.

I haven't had any problems with normal serial software.  The IrDA looks
just like a serial port connected to the other computer via a null modem.
Laplink or an OS/2 equivalent should work.

> 3.  On Linux-  I saw the thinkpad 755/Linux FAQ, but have not seen a 
> 701C/CS FAQ. Does it exist, or will anyone who has installed it get in 
> touch with me please.

There are several of us on this list using Linux on our 701C(S)s.
The nicest summary of 701 info I've seen is by Craig Leres, at

Linux, for the most part, installs w/o any problems.  Just ask the
list if you run into any problems.
John H. Kim          "Just try telling the IRS you don't feel like
jokim@mit.edu        'contributing' this year come April." -- Bob Dole
jokim@tuna.mit.edu   on Bill Clinton's avoidance of the word 'taxes'


Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 15:34:09 +0200
From: <ud1b@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>
Message-Id: <"nz11.rz.un.194:"@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>

Actually I should post this via anon.penet.fi, embarrasing as it is ...
Oustide the US, the 701 TP is sold with the Modem disabled for legal reasons,
so I figured break the lid open and theres the connector behind it.
It wasn't. But now, MAYBE becuase of the force applied, my system behaves as
the screen is closed constantly. When you disable shutdown when closed in the
Bios, the Box will continue running but the screen goes off anyway, just like
the light in you refrigerator when you close it.

I now use a piece of cardboard stuck between keyboard and case which disables
the sensor that tells it that the box is closed. Works, but is a hassle.
Now IBM's got this nice warranty but I figured I can't assume it on behalf
of my own stupidity (shame shame shame).

Any Comments ? Will they take it anyway ? How do I disable the sensor 
manually ? Or if they can bil me ?

Joachim Loeblein, ud1b@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de
I Fear Nothing.



End of thinkpad Digest