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Re: My review and experiences w/ 760CD

> >The following is a summary of my experiences w/ my 760CD
> >which I got just before X-mas ;-)
> Lucky stiff!
  Actually, yes and no.  Lucky that I got mine in December when it
  was projected for late Jan, but unlucky that I have to pop for it instead
  because I'm a consultant instead of having an employer give me one
  to use as a full-time employee friend with a Toshiba pointed out... :-(

> Make sure you have the latest Warp fixes for serial ports and SLIP/PPP.
  I'm running fixpack16 (without the quirks some people seem to have).
  The data loss warnings correlate with the heavy swapping activity,
  so it is probably because of lack of memory and Warp Connect's
  working set being more than 8MB.

> >5) I can overrun the key rollover buffer in the keyboard.  I
> >don't have a problem w/ my desktop's Northgate keyboard.
> Is this really the hardware or the OS?
  I can do this on all the operating systems I have on the system.
  I have to mentally slow my typing down to get all the keys to

> Thanks very much for the review. I'm planning to buy the next high-end
> ThinkPad out of the shoot, and you've got me drooling!
  You're welcome.  I hope it keeps someone else from struggling
  with the NT/Warp install for a week.
  The next high-end one should be out this fall with a PCI bus.
  IBM seems to be timing the medium-end releases in the spring,
  high-end ones in the fall, and low-end ones in the winter...
