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Re: does anyone have list price of 1.2 gig drive handy?

sorry, there was no grittin of teeth, I consider this price totally 
reasonable for this technology, and I consider your attitude uniformed
by the realities of the situation. Just because something is not worth
while to you does not mean that people share your view.

We are probably simply at different price points. Tomorrow, I am going
out to PC Expo to find about buying 64 meg cards, I would expect the
price to be in the $4000 range, but if I can get it for that it will
be well worth it to me.

If you can't afford to buy at the cutting edge of technology, fine, wait
a bit. I have kept up with the cutting edge of TP technology all along
(I owned a 700C, 720C, 750C, 755CD, and my current machine is a 755CX)
yes, it costs a lot to do this, but for me it is well worth while, since
it gives me a really excellent machine on which I do all my work (my
desktop 90MHz Pentium machine with 64meg or memory and 2 gigs of disk 
is no longer in use).

I am certainly not independently wealthy, wish I were, and money is always
an issue, since there are lots of things I would like but cannot afford,
or that I think are overpriced, but the 1.2 gig disk is not among them.

In fact I will end up paying less for the 1.2 gig disk than I payed for
the 810 meg disk when it first came out.

no cognitive dissonance here, as I said this whole discussoin reminds me
of people who have decided that it costs $90 to go to Florida, and are
outraged when they have to pay $700 to do it for a one day trip with no
advance purchase.