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Re: Supervisor password.

At 05:16 PM 3/31/95 EST, rjking@fosters.roc.servtech.com wrote:
>In reply to:
>>>Hello all,
>>>Does anyone know if the supervisor password is available on the
>>>I haven't gotten one yet, but the company I work for is getting them. 
>>>just want to know if they can be set up, and if it is part of the
>>>EZsetup stuff.  Anyone know?
>>Yes it does.
>Now I mean the Supervisor password.  Not the plain-jane start-up
>passwords.  The old 700's had 2 power-on's.  The personal one, and one
>for the supervisors.  I am looking for the one that they can set up once
>for the whole set to 'fix' the machines when the users forget their
>personal passwords. :)
My understanding is that the 360 acts just like the 750's as far as password
protection.  You access Easy Setup the same way (alt+F1 at power on) and
have all of the same functions.  I will verify that and if I find something
different, I'll get back to you.
For those of you that may have placed my old address in your nicknmae file,
please note that I have changed providers.  
OLD:incomm@ibm.net   NEW:krisdw@basenet.net

|Kris D. Williams<krisdw@basenet.net>                           |
|Instructor/Developer:Mobile Education-IBM Education & Training |
|Co-Owner:InComm - Sensible Solutions for the Road Warrior      |
|My opinions are my own (really!)                               |