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Re: eval questions

|   Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 12:33:15 -0500 (EST)
|   From: "R. Kent Dybvig" <dyb@cs.indiana.edu>
|   Subject: eval questions
|   I have a few questions about this:
|   1. May/must the environment contain bindings for variables that name
|   optional procedures, such as transcript-on and sin?  If not, what exactly
|   is the set of bindings specified in the corresponding report?  My guess
|   is that the intent is for the environment to contain all required bindings
|   and some subset of the optional bindings, but the word "exact" here
|   is inappropriate.

You are right that the word "exact" is inappropriate.  The intent was
to include all the required and a (possibly empty) subset of the
optional variables appearing in the report.  The intent was that a
code generator generating code for report N would be able to run its
code in the corresponding environment. 

|   2a. Can the environment contain bindings for identifiers not present in
|   the report?  The word "exact" notwithstanding, I believe that the answer
|   to this question is yes.  Say the environment contains a binding for the
|   variable foo to a location containing the value 3.  Since it is an error
|   to reference an unbound variable, but an implementation is not required
|   to signal the error, we can simply claim that foo is not bound.  So what
|   if erroneous references to foo happen to return 3?  So what if erroneous
|   references to foo return 4 after an erroneous assignment of foo to 4?

My intent when I wrote the proposal was that it should NOT be allowed.
I agree with you that the issue can be mooted when thinking about past
and current reports which have only indirect ways of finding out
whether a variable is bound and/or assigned.  However, if the
mechanism is to be uniformly useful for future reports that may
contain error handling, the behavior would be different whether such a
variable was bound/assigned or not.

The issue becomes more complicated if we do things such as

	(eval 'foo (scheme-report-environment 3))
	((unbound-variable) ...)
	((unassigned-variable) ...)

where the code evaluated in the report's environment need not know
about error handling but the surrounding code does.

I realize that we could define the problem away, but again, I think
that it is more natural (and was my intent) to disallow additional
unexpected bindings. 

|   2b. If the answer to Question 2a is indeed yes, what does the restriction
|   that eval is not allowed to create new bindings in the environment
|   associated with scheme-report-environment mean?

The restriction was intended to make the environment handle represent an
immutable environment.

|   2c. Again, if the answer to Question 2a is yes, can I not simply define
|   scheme-report-environment as follows:
|      (define scheme-report-environment
|        (lambda (v)
|          (if (eq? v 5)
|              (interaction-environment)
|              (error ...))))
|   assuming that the environment specified by the value returned by
|   interaction-environment contains a superset of the bindings listed
|   in R5RS?

Again, this would violate the intent of the original proposal.

|   3. Suppose an implementation conforms to R5RS but supports version=3.
|   Must (eval '(eqv? "" "") 3) return #t, as required in R3RS?  Must
|   (eval '(if '() 'yes 'no) 3) return no, as required in R3RS?  Looking
|   forward, if we alter the semantics of some required procedure for R6RS,
|   e.g., eval(!), must a conforming R6RS implementation support the R5RS
|   semantics if it allows version=5?

Absolutely.  Otherwise it would not be an R3RS environment.

|   I have similar questions about null-environment.

The intent of null-environment was to have only a minimal set of
special forms and no variable bindings at all.  Its usefulness comes
from expressions such as

	((eval '(lambda (+ - * =)
		  (letrec ((fact
			    (lambda (n)
			      (if (= n 0)
				  (* n (fact (- n 1)))))))
	 my-+ my-- my-* my-=)

|   I apologize for bringing these questions up at the last minute, but I
|   am just now getting around to trying to implement this feature.

Better late than never.