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Re: requiring proper tail recursion

In the example:

>In the following example the only tail call is the call to F.
>None of the calls to G or H are tail calls.  The reference to
>X is in a tail context, but it is not a call and thus is not a
>tail call.  Implementations are allowed, but not required, to
>recognize that some non-tail calls, such as the call to H below,
>can be evaluated as though they were tail calls.
>  (lambda ()
>    (if (g)
>        (let ((x (h)))
>          x)
>        (and (g) (f))))

If H returns multiple values, (let ((x (h))) x) is not equivalent to
(h), as the last sentence implies, is it?

Assuming that can be fixed, I found the remark about the call to H
quite confusing at first; would be appropriate to drop a hint as to
why H is special?  As in:

    In the following example the only tail call is the call to F.
    None of the calls to G or H are tail calls.  The reference to
    X is in a tail context, but it is not a call and thus is not a
    tail call.

      (lambda ()
	(if (g)
	    (let ((x (h)))
	    (and (g) (f))))

    Analysis of an expression may reveal that some calls, although not
    syntactically in a tail context, can still use the calling
    procedure's continuation directly.  For example, the call to H
    above is not in a tail context, but its value is always returned
    directly by the procedure to which the LAMBDA expression
    evaluates, so the entire LET expression may be evaluated like a
    tail call to H.  Implementations are allowed, but not required, to
    recognize that some non-tail calls, such as the call to H above,
    can be evaluated as though they were tail calls.

Perhaps the remark about H should be dropped.  It's interesting, but
also confusing, not quite accurate, and unnecessary; it's already
clear that implementations are allowed to do optimizations not
suggested by the report.