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Re: requiring proper tail recursion
Let me thank Richard for providing a syntactic description of tail
recursion in form that could be put into R5RS. This effort is a good
start and the text could be refined into something useful. Before we
go too far down this path, I would like to describe another syntactic
approach that people may prefer. I have only developed it for the
Lambda Calculus, so I'll focus on it.
Recall that the standard syntax of lambda terms is defined by:
M --> c | x | \x.M | (M M) Lambda terms
where c is the syntactic category for constants, x is for variables,
and \ is lambda in ASCII. The equivalent of the grammar approach I
suggested earlier for Scheme is below.
T --> V | (U U) Values and tail combinations
U --> V | (U U) Values and non-tail combinations
V --> c | x | \x.T Values
where T is the start symbol.
Combinations in the language generated by T are tail combinations and
the ones generated by U are not.
The alternate approach to defining tail combinations is to use
combination contexts. A combination context is a lambda term when
its hole is replaced by a combination.
X --> [] | \x.X | (X M) | (M X) Combination contexts
The term that results from substituting combination (M M') into the
hole in X is X[(M M')].
The set of tail combination contexts is defined by the language
generated by Y.
Y --> [] | Z Tail combination contexts
Z --> \x.Y | (Z M) | (M Z)
Given a term M = X[(M' M")], (M' M") is defined to be a tail
combination if X is a tail combination context.
I have not worked out the details of defining and using procedure call
contexts in Scheme for defining Scheme tail calls. It looks messy.