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# in place of a digit.

Just as a further example, one segment of my file of useful constants 
has the following information.  The "#" here is a flag to me that the
next digit is uncertain.

;;; Universal Physical constants

(define light-speed			;c
  2.99792458#e8)			;meter/sec

(define gravitation			;G
  6.6732#e-11)				;(Newton*meter^2)/kg^2

(define electron-charge			;e
  1.602189#e-19)			;Coulomb
  ;;=4.80324e-10 esu

(define electron-mass			;m_e
  9.10953#e-31)				;kg

(define proton-mass			;m_p
  1.672649#e-27)			;kg