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Re: update: repository contents [papers, tech reps]

Thanks for the responses thus far. I include a more up-to-date
index of the repository text section. Please keep those papers

ps: where possible, papers are stored in both dvi and ps forms
to increase their portability and printability.

Table of Contents
btds2			Danvy and Lawall, Back to Direct Style II: First
			Class Continuations, Proceedings of the 1992 ACM
			Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming,
			299-309, San Francisco, June 1992.

exrename		Clinger, Hygenic Macros Through Explicit
			Renaming, Lisp Pointers IV(4), 17-23,
			December 1991

intro			Ken Dickey, The Scheme Programming Language,
			Computer Language, June 1992

imp			Tung, Interactive Modular Programming in Scheme,
			Proceedings of the 1992 ACM Conference on Lisp
			and Functional Programming, San Francisco, June

iucstr346		Lawall and Friedman, Toward leakage containment
			Computer Science Department, Indiana University
			February 1992, 11pgs.

iucstr348		Freeman and Friedman, Characterizing the
			paralation model using dynamic assignment
			Computer Science Department, Indiana University
			March 1992, 14pgs

iucstr349		Tung, Merging interactive, modular and
			object-oriented programming
			Computer Science Department, Indiana University
			March 1992, 143pgs

iucstr350		Lee and Friedman, First-class extents
			Computer Science Department, Indiana University
			March 1992, 45pgs

iucstr355		Hieb, Dybvig and Bruggeman, Syntactic Abstraction
			in Scheme, Computer Science Department, Indiana
			University, June 1992 [revised 7/3/92]

iucstr356		Dbyvig, Writing Hygenic Macros in Scheme with
			Syntax-Case, Computer Science Department,
			Indiana University, June 1992, 29pgs

macinsch		Clinger, Macros in Scheme, Lisp Pointers IV(4),
			25-28, December 1991

meroon			Queinnec, Meroon: A Small, Efficient and Enhanced
			Object System, July 1992

mobot-scheme		Rees and Donald, Program Mobile Robots in Scheme,
			Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE International
			Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2681-2688

rrc			Danvy and Filinski, Representing Control: A study
			of the CPS transformation, CIS-91-2, Department of
			Computing and Information Sciences, Kansas State
			University, February 1991, Revised June 1992.
			To appear in the journal Mathematical Structures
			for Computer Science.

schemelittle		Brian Beckman, A Scheme for Interactive Graphics,
			Computer Graphics Laboratory, NASA JPL,
			17 July 1990.

synclo			Hanson, A Syntactic Closures Macro Facility,
			Lisp Pointers IV(4), 9-16, December 1991

vts			Queinnec, Value Transforming Style, to appear
			in Workshop on Static Analysis, Bordeaux, 1992