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A couple more details

While I'm breaking my silence, I might as well note a couple of other
things that have been on my mind. (I'm pretty busy with X3J13 right now
so haven't had the time to devote to this that I might otherwise, but 
maybe something here will spark some interest in someone who does have
some more time.)

 * Rename "char=?" to "char=", etc.

    a. `Symmetry' with "="
    b. I think of "=" as short for "equal?", so "char=?" looks like
       "char-equal??" to my eyes.

 * Rename "set!" to "set".

    It's redundant. The operation already says in English that the
    operator is destructive. If you have "append" and you make a
    destructive version, it makes some sense to call it either
    "destructive append" or "append!". In the original T manual, I
    specified that "!" was pronounced " destructively" just as I
    specified that "?" was pronounced "-pee". That way people would
    pronounce "zero?" as "zero-pee" and "append!" as
    "append destructively" for verbal compatibility with Lisp
    programmers. In the case of set, though, it feels funny to me
    to say "set destructively" since there is no non-destructive
    version of set.

 * Rename "set-car!" to "set-car", etc.

    As for "set!", but in these cases I would withdraw the objection
    if someone proposed "set-car", etc. as a non-destructive variant
    in order to motivate the destructively part:


    Note: The same argument doesn't make sense for SET! above since
     the non-destructive variant is not appropriately compelling
     (for what I claim are deep reasons):

 * Add essential syntax:
	(CALL procedure . arguments)
	(STATIC identifier)

    Among other things (I have a few more reasons I might pull out if
    people took this idea seriously), these would allow the entire language
    to be described in terms of a much simpler primitive syntax. eg,
	  (LAMBDA (X) (+ X 3))
    would be shorthand for:

    This would be useful as we move into the time when we start doing
    macro expansion, because you could provide a macroexpansion
    facility that guaranteed to always give you the longhand form,
    making it much easier to dispatch off of things because you would
    know that every valid primitive expression in the language was
    represented by a list whose car was a keyword identifying the
    operation. No more of this troublesome stuff, which comes up
    a lot in user code walkers:
	   (COND ((SYMBOL? X) ...)
		 ((ATOM? X) ...)
		 ((NOT (ATOM (CAR X))) ...)
		 ((MEMBER X '(LAMBDA ...)) ...)
		 (ELSE ;procedure
    Instead, assuming that (MACROEXPAND 'X) => (STATIC X),
    (MACROEXPAND '3) => (QUOTE 3), etc., then:
	   (CASE (CAR X)
	    ((QUOTE) ...)
	    ((STATIC) ...)
	    ((CALL) ...)