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Re: number syntax

> Date: Thu, 10 Jul 86 12:09 EDT
> From: Jonathan A Rees <JAR%ai.ai.mit.edu@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
>    Date: Tue 17 Jun 86 16:00:31-CDT
>    From: David Bartley <Bartley%ti-csl.csnet at CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
>    One irritant in the Report that we have neglected to comment on until
>    now (sorry!) is the syntax of numbers.  We believe that Scheme numbers
>    are essentially equivalent to Common Lisp numbers except for the new
>    notion of exactness.  To the extent that that is so, it seems to be a
>    (shudder!) ``gratuitous difference'' from Common Lisp to have an
>    incompatible syntax.      [...]
>    What we'd like to see is an essential syntax for numbers which is
>    compatible with Common Lisp's.  Additional features, including
>    exactness, would be optional extensions.  Even so, they should not
>    conflict with Common Lisp.  For example, the use of `#s' and the order
>    of <sign> and <prefix> are different in the two languages.     [...]
>    Does anyone agree with us?  Is there time to make such a change before
>    R^3RS goes to press?
>I think everyone agrees with you, and that there is time.  Could you
>please write a concrete proposal, preferably something close to being
>suitable for inclusion in the report.  Also please provide BNF.  Thanks.

Here's a stab at it---we expect and welcome debate over the details.

The major differences between the syntax of numbers in Common Lisp (CL)
and heretofore in Scheme (R^3RS) are:

(1) CL has the prefix denoting base precede the sign; R^3RS has the sign
precede the prefix, which includes the base specifier.  I see no reason to
differ from CL.

(2) CL uses several exponent markers to specify levels of precision for
floating point numbers; R^3RS specifies precision levels (S and L) in the
prefix.  Again, why differ from CL?

(3) CL does not provide for the use of `#' to indicate insignificant
digits.  Making this a non-essential feature in R^3RS seems reasonable.

(4) CL provides only the #C(real real) notation for complex numbers; R^3RS
provides infix notations for both polar and rectangular forms.  For
compatibility with CL, R^3RS should support the #C notation and the infix
forms should be non-essential extensions.

(5) CL integers may optionally terminate in a decimal point; R^3RS permits
such a number to be treated as floating point and it is debated whether it
is to be considered exact.  This is a serious problem, since many
procedures are defined to accept only integer values.  Is the call
(INTEGER->CHAR 55.) valid?  We propose that this be a non-essential
feature in R^3RS.

(6) CL integers and ratios are not permitted to have exponent markers.
This feature should be a non-essential extension to Scheme.

(7) CL does not have the concept of exactness.  Most (all?) existing
implementations of Scheme do not support this feature, so it should be

We propose the following syntax for numbers in Scheme.  (Recall that
letter case is insignificant in the grammar and that the rules for <ureal
R>, <prefix R>, etc., should be replicated for R = 2, 8, 10, and 16.)

<number>  -->  <real>  |  #c( <real>  <real> )

<real>  -->  <prefix R> <sign> <ureal R>

<prefix R>  -->  <exactness> <radix R>
<exactness>  -->  <empty>  |  #i  |  #e

<radix 2>  -->  #b
<radix 8>  -->  #o
<radix 10>  -->  <empty>  |  #d
<radix 16>  -->  #x

<sign>  -->  <empty>  |  +  |  -

<ureal R>  -->  <integer R>  |  <ratio R>  |  <flonum R>

<integer R>  -->  <digit R>+ #* 

<ratio R>  -->  <digit R>+ #* / <digit R>+ #*

<flonum R>  -->  . <digit R>+ #* <expon>
   |  <digit R>+ . <digit R>* #* <expon>
   |  <digit R>+ #* . #* <expon>

<expon>  -->  <empty>  |  <expon-marker> <sign> <digit>+

<expon-marker>  -->  e  |  f  |  d  |  l  |  s

<digit 2>  -->  0  |  1
<digit 8>  -->  0  |  1  |  2  |  3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7
<digit 10>  -->   <digit 8>  |  8  |  9
<digit 16>  -->  <digit 10>  |  a  |  b  |  c  |  d  |  e  |  f

Although we have incorporated <exactness> and the use of `#' above, they
should be stated to be non-essential features of Scheme.  

Nonessential feature: integers with optional decimal points.  

<integer R>  -->  <digit R>+ #* .

Nonessential feature:  integers and ratios with exponents.

<integer R>  -->  <digit R>+ #* <expon>
<ratio R>  -->  <digit R>+ #* <expon> / <digit R>+ #* <expon>

Nonessential number productions representing complex numbers.  We worry
that the forms <real>+<ureal>i and <real>-<ureal>i can be hard to parse.
Perhaps combining the suffix `i' with the infix `+' or `-' would be
palatable to those who want this feature.

<number>  -->  <real> +i <ureal>
   |   <real> -i <ureal>
   |   <real> @ <real>

David Bartley
Mark Meyer