6.805/STS085: Student Papers, Fall 1997

Exemplary papers by students in the class.

Guang-Ien Cheng, Visions in Conflict: Understanding the Debate Over Internet Rating and Blocking Schemes

Douglas De Couto, Patel v. Richey: Two Distinct Outcomes, But the Same Problems Remain

Cyrus Dolph, Hot Nasty PICS?

David Fillingham, A Comparison of Digital and Handwritten Signatures

David Fillingham, Listening in the Dark - Wiretapping and Privacy in America

Michael Kim, How countries handle computer crime

Igor Lyubashevskiy, PICS Standard: A Panacea or the Doom of the Internet?

Joanna Lu, Dissent in Reno v. ACLU: Seeds sown for a new generation of regulation?

Joanna Lu, Who's in our Genes?: Electronic Health Information and the Protection of Privacy

Eve Phillips, The Future of Content

Benjamin Self, The Media's Miscommunication: What exactly is the Internet?

Andrew Twyman, The Threats of Distributed Cracking

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Hal Abelson (hal@mit.edu)
Mike Fischer (mfischer@mit.edu)
Joanne Costello (joanne@mit.edu)

Last modified: September 10 1999, 11:41 PM