F:\USERS\LL\INFOSEC\ABSTRACT.TXT September 20, 1994 ************************************************************ * INFORMATION SECURITY AND PRIVACY IN NETWORK ENVIRONMENTS * * * * Recommended citation: U.S. Office of Technology * * Assessment, Information Security and Privacy in * * Network Environments, OTA-TCT-606 (Washington, DC: * * U.S. Government Printing Office, September 1994). * ************************************************************ ************** * ABSTRACT * ************** Information technologies are transforming the ways we create, gather, process, and share information. Computer networking is driving many of these changes. But the transformation brought about by networking also raises new concerns for the security and privacy of networked information. If these concerns are not properly resolved, they threaten to limit networking's full potential, in terms of both participation and usefulness. Thus appropriate institutional and technological safeguards are required for a broad range of personal, copyrighted, sensitive, or proprietary information. The OTA report on Information Security and Privacy in Network Environments examines policy issues in three areas: 1) cryptography policy, including federal information processing standards and export controls; 2) guidance on safeguarding unclassified information in federal agencies; and 3) legal issues and information security, including electronic commerce, privacy, and intellectual property. This report has four chapters and five appendices. The electronic file names and sizes are: 01README.TXT--(1K) 02ORDER.INFO.TXT (4K) FOREWORD.TXT--(3K) ADVISORY.PANEL.TXT (3K) STAFF.TXT (1K) TOC.TXT (2K) CH1.TXT--INTRODUCTION AND POLICY SUMMARY (93K) CH2.TXT--SAFEGUARDING NETWORKED INFORMATION (169K) CH3.TXT--LEGAL ISSUES AND INFORMATION SECURITY (172K) CH4.TXT--GOVERNMENT POLICIES AND CRYTOGRAPHIC SAFEGUARDS (299K) APPC.TXT--EVOLUTION OF THE DIGITAL SIGNATURE STANDARD (36K) APPD.TXT--WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS (3K) APPE.TXT--REVIEWERS AND OTHER CONTRIBUTORS (4K) NOT AVAILABLE IN ELECTRONIC VERSION: Appendix A--Congressional Letters of Request Appendix B--Computer Security Act and Related Documents