6.001 Spring 1998: Quiz 1 and quiz grading

Quiz 1 grade distribution

Mean=75   Median=81
0 < x <= 30 18
30 < x <= 50 41
50 < x <= 60 28
60 < x <= 70 37
70 < x <= 80 77
80 < x <= 90 99
90 < x <= 95 74
95 < x <= 100 43
We are posting the scores so you can see how the class did on the quiz generally. But we do not grade 6.001 on a curve -- do not feel that you are in competition with others in the class. We would be perfectly happy to give everyone A's if class performance merited it.

People who scored below 60 on this quiz should be concerned about their mastery of the material.

The total quiz score throws away lots of information. For example, a person who achieves a score of 63 that is composed of perfect scores on some problems and terrible scores on others is probably in better shape than a person who achieves the same score by getting a partial credit on 9 on each of the 7 problems.

Questions about grades

Over the weekend, we will post (on this page) the answers to the quiz problems, together with an explanation of how points were awarded in each problem. Please read this. After you have done so, if you have questions or think we made a mistake in grading your paper, speak to your tutor, who will get the grade corrected if necessary.

Here is a copy of the quiz

Quiz answers and grading policies for each problem

Maximum points possible for each problem


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Last modified: March 12 1998, 9:01 PM