6.001 Spring 98: Records of previous terms

Collections of past 6.001 homework assignments and solutions are available in various living groups. In order to ensure that everyone has fair equal access to this material, we make our entire database of problem sets and solutions available to the MIT community via the network.

This material can be of some assistance in learning the subject, but it is not advisable to use these old solutions mindlessly. Although some of this semester's problem sets are based on ones from previous semesters, you'll find that the old solutions won't work due to updates and system changes, and that it will generally be a lot of work (with little educational value) to convert old solutions.

So please use this material wisely. It is far better to spend your time working the assignments for this semester rather than hunting through old problem sets. Remember that you will be expected to demonstrate mastery of the homework problems in tutorial and on exams.

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Last modified: May 17 1998, 9:26 AM