Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
6.001--Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Fall Semester, 1998

Problem Set 2 Solutions

Computer Exercise 1:

Here we use the last procedure defined in the tutorial exercises:
(define (last lst)
  (if (null? (cdr lst))
      (car lst)
      (last (cdr lst))))

(define (price-trend previous-close ticker)
  (- (last ticker) previous-close))
As a quick check, let's verify the value for the ibm ticker, and then see what we get for acme:
;Value: 100.

;Value: (100.5 101.)

(price-trend ibm-previous-close ibm-prices)
;Value: 1.

(price-trend acme-previous-close acme-prices)
;Value: -3.25
The price-trend procedure calls last, which results in an iterative process (there are no deferred operations after the recursive call to last from within last). The process is linear iterative, because the order of growth in space is S(n) = Theta(1), and in time is T(n) = Theta(n).

Computer Exercise 2:

Here's an iterative solution which does not use any higher order procedures:
(define (price-average ticker)
  (define (helper ticker sum count)
    (if (null? ticker)
        (/ sum count)
        (helper (cdr ticker)
                (+ sum (car ticker))
                (+ count 1))))
  (helper (cdr ticker) (car ticker) 1))

(price-average acme-prices)
;Value: 47.475
The price-average process from the above procedure is again linear iterative: the growth in space is S(n) = Theta(1), and in time is T(n) = Theta(n) where n is the prices on the ticker.

Computer Exercise 3:

Here are two different versions of list-max; the first results in a recursive process (due to the deferred operation max that must be performed after the recursive call to list-max). The second version is linear iterative.
(define (list-max lst)
  (if (null? (cdr lst))
      (car lst)
      (max (car lst) (list-max (cdr lst)))))

(list-max (list 1 5 10 3 2))
;Value: 10

(define (list-max lst)
  (define (helper lst max-so-far)
    (if (null? lst)
        (helper (cdr lst)
                (max max-so-far (car lst)))))
  (helper (cdr lst) (car lst)

(price-high ibm-prices)
;Value: 101.

(price-high acme-prices)
;Value: 49.75

Computer Exercise 4:

; A. price-high
(define (price-high ticker)
  (accumulate (lambda (x y) (if (> x y) x y))
              (car ticker)
              (cdr ticker)))

; Same thing using built-in procedure max:
(define (price-high ticker)
  (accumulate max (car ticker) (cdr ticker)))

(price-high acme-prices)
;Value: 49.75
This results in a recursive process because accumulate as provided has a deferred operation (the max procedure) which must wait until the result is returned from internal accumulate call.
; B. Iter accumulate
(define (iter-accumulate combiner init lst)
  (define (helper so-far lst)
    (if (null? lst) 
        (helper (combiner (car lst) so-far)
                (cdr lst))))
  (helper init lst))

(define (price-high ticker)
  (iter-accumulate max (car ticker) (cdr ticker)))

(price-high acme-prices)
;Value: 49.75
The two procedures accumulate and iter-accumulate will not always give the same result. One example where they do is the above price-high (which is equivalent to a list-max procedure). An example where accumulate and iter-accumulate give different examples is if we attempt to copy a list (remember implementing copy using accumulate in the tutorial exercises?):
(accumulate cons nil (list 1 2 3 4))
;Value: (1 2 3 4)

(iter-accumulate cons nil (list 1 2 3 4))
;Value: (4 3 2 1)
The key point to notice is that accumulate operates (with the passed in procedure) on the list in right to left order because it cdr's down the list first, then "combines up" (in this case using cons) an answer. In the case of iter-accumulate, on the other hand, the operator combines things up from left to right order. So the condition for equivalent use of the two is that the procedure or operator must be commutative -- that is, the order of the two arguments shouldn't matter to the procedure.

Computer Exercise 5:

(define (price-range ticker)
  (define (helper ticker low-so-far high-so-far)
    (if (null? ticker)
        (list low-so-far high-so-far)
        (helper (cdr ticker)
                (min low-so-far (car ticker))
                (max high-so-far (car ticker)))))
  (helper (cdr ticker) (car ticker) (car ticker)))

(price-range ibm-prices)
;Value: (100.5 101.)

(price-range acme-prices)
;Value: (45. 49.75)

One the Floor of the Exchange

Computer Exercise 6:

(define (price-spreads ask-lst bid-lst)
  (if (null? ask-lst) 
      (cons (- (ask-price (car ask-lst))
               (bid-price (car bid-lst)))
            (price-spreads (cdr ask-lst) (cdr bid-lst)))))

(price-spreads ibm-ask ibm-bid)
;Value: (.5 0. 0.)

(price-spreads acme-ask acme-bid)
;Value: (.25 0. 1.5 0. 4. 0. 3. 0. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 0. 2. 0. 2.5 0.)
Note how we cdr down the two lists at the same time. This results in a linear recursive process (due to the deferred cons), with orders of growth in space S(n) = Theta(n), and in time of T(n) = Theta(n).

Computer Exercise 7:

(define (map2 proc lst1 lst2)
  (if (null? lst1)
      (cons (proc (car lst1) (car lst2))
            (map2 proc (cdr lst1) (cdr lst2)))))

(map2 + (list 1 2 3) (list 10 11 12))
;Value: (11 13 15)

(define (price-spreads ask-lst bid-lst)
  (map2 (lambda (ask bid) (- (ask-price ask) (bid-price bid)))

(price-spreads acme-ask acme-bid)
;Value: (.25 0. 1.5 0. 4. 0. 3. 0. 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 0. 2. 0. 2.5 0.)

Computer Exercise 8:

The procedure trade? is a simple predicate, where we are careful to use the accessor functions rather than car and cdr directly.
(define (trade? ask bid)
  (>= (bid-price bid) (ask-price ask)))

(define (ticker-prices asks bids)
  (cond ((null? asks) nil)
        ((trade? (car asks) (car bids))
         (cons (ask-price (car asks))
               (ticker-prices (cdr asks) (cdr bids))))
        (else (ticker-prices (cdr asks) (cdr bids)))))

(ticker-prices ibm-asks ibm-bids) 
;Value: (100.5 101.)

(ticker-prices acme-ask acme-bid)
;Value: (49.75 48.75 47. 45. 46.25 48. 47.5 48.5 47.25 46.75)

Computer Exercise 9:

(define (merge2 pred proc list1 list2)
  (cond ((null? list1) nil)
        ((pred (car list1) (car list2))
         (cons (proc (car list1) (car list2))
               (merge2 pred proc (cdr list1) (cdr list2))))
        (else (merge2 pred proc (cdr list1) (cdr list2)))))

(merge2 (lambda (x y) (and (odd? x) (odd? y)))
        (list 1 2 3 4)
        (list 5 3 5 3))
;Value: (6 8)

Computer Exercise 10:

(define (ticker-prices asks bids)
  (merge2 trade? 
          (lambda (ask bid) (ask-price ask)) 
          asks bids))

(ticker-prices acme-ask acme-bid)
;Value: (49.75 48.75 47. 45. 46.25 48. 47.5 48.5 47.25 46.75)

Computer Exercise 11:

(define (ticker-shares asks bids)
  (merge2 trade?
          (lambda (ask bid)
            (min (cdr ask) (cdr bid)))
          asks bids))

(ticker-shares acme-ask acme-bid)
;Value: (100 100 100 400 100 200 200 100 100 100)

(define (total-shares asks bids)
  (accumulate + 0 (ticker-shares asks bids)))

(total-shares acme-ask acme-bid)
;Value: 1500

Computer Exercise 12:

(define (price-volume asks bids)
  (accumulate + 
              (map2 *
                    (ticker-shares asks bids)
                    (ticker-prices asks bids))))
(price-volume acme-ask acme-bid)
;Value: 70525.

At the Plant

Computer Exercise 13:

Here we convert the tree into a list of just its leaves using the fringe procedure from the tutorial exercises. Then we just need to sum up the items in the list:
(define (assembly-line-hours tree-of-hours)
  (accumulate + 0 (fringe tree-of-hours)))

(define (fringe tree)
  (cond ((null? tree) nil)
        ((not (pair? tree)) (list tree))
        (else (append (fringe (car tree))
                      (fringe (cdr tree))))))

(assembly-line-hours NeoWidget-hours)
;Value: 15

(assembly-line-hours MegaWidget-hours)
;Value: 85

Computer Exercise 14:

Here is a tree-accumulate procedure that applies a combiner procedure to the results of recursing down both the car and the cdr branches. When we hit a leaf, we use the op on it to get a value.
(define (tree-accumulate combiner op initial tree)
  (cond ((null? tree) initial)
        ((not (pair? tree))
         (op tree))
         (combiner (tree-accumulate combiner op initial (car tree))
                   (tree-accumulate combiner op initial (cdr tree))))))

(define (assembly-line-hours tree-of-hours)
  (tree-accumulate + (lambda (x) x) 0 tree-of-hours))

(assembly-line-hours MegaWidget-hours)
;Value: 85

Computer Exercise 15:

This is essentially just a count-leaves procedure:
(define count-line-stations count-leaves)

(define (count-leaves tree)
  (cond ((null? tree) 0)
        ((not (pair? tree)) 1)
        (else (+ (count-leaves (car tree))
                 (count-leaves (cdr tree))))))

(count-line-stations NeoWidget-hours)
;Value: 5

(count-line-stations MegaWidget-hours)
;Value: 11
Note that we could also implement count-leaves (or count-line-stations) using accumulate:
(define (count-line-stations tree)
  (tree-accumulate + (lambda (item) 1) 0 tree))

Parallel Manufacturing

Computer Exercise 16:

This one was a little tricky. At each level, we can use map to get the parallel assembly hours for each subtree under that, and then pick of the max value using our list-max procedure.
(define (assembly-parallel-hours tree)
  (cond ((null? tree) 0)
        ((not (pair? tree)) tree)
         (+ 1 (list-max (map assembly-parallel-hours tree)))))) 

(assembly-parallel-hours NeoWidget-hours)
;Value: 7

(assembly-parallel-hours MegaWidget-hours)
;Value: 18

Computer Exercise 17:

Our procedure tree-accumulate doesn't really work here, because that only let us provide a procedure that operates on leaves. In this case, we need to be able to count internal nodes in the tree. Indeed, count-parallel-stations is equivalent to counting the sum of the number of nodes and the number of leaves.

This sounds difficult unless one really breaks the problem down to the base cases, and then uses wishful thinking. An empty list has no nodes and no leaves. A leaf (not a pair) counts as 1. If the tree has subtrees in it, then we count 1 for the node, and then add to that the number of leaves and nodes in the subtrees:

(define (count-nodes-and-leaves tree)
  (cond ((null? tree) 0)
        ((not (pair? tree)) 1)    ; count the leaf
         (+ 1                     ; count the node
            (accumulate + 0 (map count-nodes-and-leaves tree))))))

(define count-parallel-stations count-nodes-and-leaves)

(count-parallel-stations NeoWidget-hours)
;Value: 8

(count-parallel-stations MegaWidget-hours)
;Value: 19

Computer Exercise 18:

The basic strategy is to calculate the time required for the original manufacturing plan, and then to build a new tree with the leaf times scaled by the factor and find the time needed for that new tree. To make this easier, we'll define map-tree which creates a new tree from the old tree, applying some procedure to the leaves; this is just a simple case of our tree-accumulate procedure.
(define (map-tree proc tree)
  (tree-accumulate cons proc nil tree))
(define (parallel-scale component-time-factor tree)
  (let ((original-time (assembly-parallel-hours tree))
        (new-tree (map-tree (lambda (x) (* x component-time-factor))
    (/ (assembly-parallel-hours new-tree)

(parallel-scale 0.5 NeoWidget-hours)
;Value: .7142   ; NOTE: problem set handout is WRONG - this is 5/7

(parallel-scale 0.5 MegaWidget-hours)
;Value: .5833


Computer Exercise 19:

Tired of this yet? These procedures are pretty easy if we use the previous higher order procedures. The main trick is to figure out how to walk all three trees together at the same time. In this case, we look at the assembly-tree to decide if we are ready to accumulate costs or if we just need to add the parts costs for the subtrees:
(define (sum-parts-cost assembly-tree parts-tree costs-tree)
  (cond ((null? assembly-tree) 0)
        ((not (pair? assembly-tree))
         (accumulate + 0 (map2 * parts-tree costs-tree)))
         (+ (sum-parts-cost (car assembly-tree)
                            (car parts-tree)
                            (car costs-tree))
            (sum-parts-cost (cdr assembly-tree)
                            (cdr parts-tree)
                            (cdr costs-tree))))))

(sum-parts-cost NeoWidget-hours
;Value: 188

(sum-parts-cost MegaWidget-hours
;Value: 680

Computer Exercise 20:

This is almost identical to the previous procedure; the only difference is that instead of ADDING the two subtrees, we simply cons them together:
(define (summarized-costs-tree assembly-tree parts-tree costs-tree)
  (cond ((null? assembly-tree) nil)
        ((not (pair? assembly-tree))
         (accumulate + 0 (map2 * parts-tree costs-tree)))
         (CONS (summarized-costs-tree (car assembly-tree)
                                      (car parts-tree)
                                      (car costs-tree))
               (summarized-costs-tree (cdr assembly-tree)
                                      (cdr parts-tree)
                                      (cdr costs-tree))))))

(summarized-costs-tree NeoWidget-hours
;Value: (30 (30 (24 34)) 70)

(summarized-costs-tree MegaWidget-hours
;Value: ((11 29) ((43 173) (35 42)) (34 (10 3)) (140 160))

Last modified: Sun Sep 20 11:09:39 EDT 1998