:::::::::::::: data/efoo@mit.edu :::::::::::::: full name: Foo Edwin prefered name: Edwin course: 6 year: 4 email: efoo@mit.edu url: http://hesed.mit.edu/~efoo graphics: calculus: linear: probability: dsp: teammate: Brendon Glazer learn: 3D visualization, user interfaces. modeling of real-life systems, and real-time rendering are interesting to me. I have written ray tracers, 3D engines for PCs, and user interfaces for a number of programs. Currently, I do more systems engineering work than graphics work, but I am very interested in combining the two. :::::::::::::: data/ericb@graphics.lcs.mit.edu :::::::::::::: full name: Brittain Eric prefered name: Eric course: 6 year: G email: ericb@graphics.lcs.mit.edu url: http://graphics.lcs.mit.edu/~ericb graphics: calculus: linear: probability: dsp: teammate: learn: I am interested in building a distributed system for computing visibility for an interactive computer graphics walkthrough application. The system will consist of several server and client applications to provide seamless acquisition and utilization of remote services with little or no user intervention. In addition, algorithms will be developed to distributively compute object-space visibility. This type of visibility is closely related to the aspect graph talk on April 8 (see: http://graphics.lcs.mit.edu/~bmcutler/6.838.html for more information). :::::::::::::: data/jonh@mit.edu :::::::::::::: full name: Heiner, Jon prefered name: Jon course: 6 year: MEng email: jonh@mit.edu url: http://mit.edu/jonh/ graphics: calculus: linear: probability: dsp: teammate: not yet learn: The two projects I am interested in are, in order of preference: 1. I would like to work with one other person to implement a 3-d graphics game engine. Specifically, I will design a set of classes which my partner can use to implement any kind of plot/content they desire. This also includes doing any kind of visualization of these underlying data structures. I am hoping that this appeals to someone as a fun project and that they can find a way to work an aspect of their research into it (e.g.: using this as a basis for a fast raytracing implementation, doing sophisticated collision detetion, implementing a radiosity model on top of it, etc...) 2. I am also interested in working out a visualization of the primary (6.001) computer concepts. In particular, a dynamic visualization of linked lists, recursive functions, environments, perhaps implement a garbage-collection visualization. There are a set of OpenInventor wrappers for scheme that allow you to construct scene graphs which should allow the project to be quckly and seamlessly combined with an existing scheme parser. :::::::::::::: data/marleigh@mit.edu :::::::::::::: full name: Norton, Marleigh prefered name: Marleigh course: Other year: 3 email: marleigh@mit.edu url: http://www.mit.edu/people/marleigh graphics: calculus: linear: probability: dsp: teammate: Nope. learn: Graphics Interests: animation, computer graphics as an art form, movies Experience: I've taken 6.837 (of course), information on my group's project is at: http://www.mit.edu/people/karianne/dome.html I'm now doing a UROP for Prof. Teller which is to make movies and pictures of the model our 6.837 group made. As a project, I'd sort of like something that could be used by non-graphics nuts. One of my ideas was the visual representation of code, such as was mentioned in classs one day, except for scheme so it could be used for 6.001 students. Something that helped high school students vizualize physics could also be neat. :::::::::::::: data/mukesh@media.mit.edu :::::::::::::: full name: Singh, Mukesh P. prefered name: Mukesh course: MAS year: G email: mukesh@media.mit.edu url: http://www.media.mit.edu/~mukesh graphics: calculus: linear: probability: dsp: teammate: learn: Interest - Path Planning Algorithms :::::::::::::: data/napoli@mit.edu :::::::::::::: full name: Napoli, Joshua prefered name: Josh course: 18 year: 2 email: napoli@mit.edu url: http://web.mit.edu/napoli/ graphics: calculus: linear: probability: dsp: teammate: learn: 1. Ray tracing acceleration. I'm interested in getting ray-traced effects to be computed in (near) real-time for a fixed scene with one mobile object and a mobile camera position/orientation. Based on my project from 6.837, I believe this is possible using techniques for identifying relevant rays, reducing the number of rays needed, and finding cases where techniques other than raytracing are useful. We'd probably only want to tackle some subset of this problem... 2. Find a good and fast way to polygonalize a spline surface on the fly... or something like that. :::::::::::::: data/portnoy@ai.mit.edu :::::::::::::: full name: Peters, Stephen prefered name: Steve course: 6 year: G email: portnoy@ai.mit.edu url: graphics: calculus: linear: probability: dsp: teammate: learn: 3D manipulation of objects, and querying data (currently working on a Java3D implementation of a globe that can be used to locate information based on data that may be updated on the fly). To be honest, though, I'm willing to do anything that seems interesting :-) :::::::::::::: data/spreer@mit.edu :::::::::::::: full name: Preer, Stephen R. prefered name: Stephen course: 6 year: 4 email: spreer@mit.edu url: http://www.mit.edu/people/spreer/homepage.html graphics: calculus: linear: probability: dsp: teammate: learn: My previous graphics experience is not extensive. I took 6.837 last term, and my final project was a TRON like game in Invetor. As this implies, I am more interested in modeling dynamic scenes than static ones. I am not that hard-core of a math type, but I do enjoy data structures and algorithms in a graphical context. I am also more interested in applications of computational geometry than the theory of computational geometry intself. I have a couple of ideas for projects, but am pretty open to suggestion. The first is to create a visualization of my embodied intelligence project, which will be some sort of artificial life system. The goal will be to maintain and visualize a representation, as well as statistical information about the system as it runs. The second is that I would be interested in doing something with single image random dot stereograms, prehaps in the domain of animation. :::::::::::::: data/team-desc.html :::::::::::::: Content-type: text/html 6.837--Computer Graphics Handouts


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