6.838/4.214: Interactive Geometric Data Structures and Computation

Meeting 10: 3-D Convex Hulls; k-D Convex Polytopes

Last Meeting

Exercise 2 is due today !

Introductory remarks:

Most applications of convex hulls in graphics are in two or three
dimensions, as these are the most natural mapping for most
problems, and 2-D and 3-D are more amenable to visualization
than are higher dimensions.

We treated 2-D convex hulls, their definition, construction, and
use, in Meeting 5.  Today we consider 3-D convex hulls, and
(briefly) the general-dimensional case.  Three dimensions turn
out to be "special" in that algorithms for 3-D hull construction,
and bounds on the resulting complexity, are different from what
one might expect if one considered very high-dimensions first,
then worked downward.


-> Presentation <-


Resources: Closing Remarks:

Next time we will go back to 2-D, and see some real applications
of 2-D linespace.  This will lay the groundwork for our treatment
of 3-D linespace later in the semester.

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Created: Feb 1998

Prof. Seth Teller, MIT Computer Graphics Group, teller@graphics.lcs.mit.edu