Explicit and Implicit functions


What is a surface ?

Generally speaking, a surface is a subspace of codimension 1. In R3 for instance, a surface has dimension 2 and can be defined by two (well-chosen !) parameters. We will not talk about fractals today.

How do we define a surface ?


Every point of the surface / volume is explicitly defined, for instance by a function of some parameters. 


 Points are not given directly: a condition states whether a point belongs to the surface or not. For instance, points are solution of 
When f is polynomial, we dive into the field of algebraic geometry (so don't get impressed by this word). Degree 1: plane, degree 2: quadric surfaces (ellipsoid, paraboloid, hyperboloid, etc.)

Manifolds : subspaces with maps

Every point has a neighborhood equivalent to a disk. In the case of differentiable manifolds : at every point it exits a local map (a local referential with same dimension as the manifold) and we go smoothly from one map to another. This ensure for instance that at every point you can define texture coordinates in a neighborhood. This obliges also the manifold not to have holes or intersection of two edges (when it is bounded).
In our cases, there is most often a single map covering the whole surface.


Some Visual Examples

Height Fields

Defined by 


Ruled surfaces


Given a parameterized curve  and a sequence of unit vectors  that varies continuously with alpha, the parametric
surface defined by  is called a ruled surface.

Click here for Equations.

Less formally, it is the surface swept out by moving a straight line along the curve C so that it points in the direction V for every alpha.

Examples :

but also  


Surfaces of revolutions

A surface of revolution is a surface generated by rotating a 2-D Curve about an axis

Click here for Equations.


And much more to come !

Boy surface 

An excellent site to visit for the equations of all the surfaces you can dream about is Eric's Treasure Trove of Mathematics

Eric Amram, Feb 1998, MIT 6.838 Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics - Prof. Seth Teller.