1D Binary Searching: a warmup


de Berg, chapters 5 and 10.

Searching for points on a line:

Given a list of N (unique) points on a line, locate all the points in a given interval on that line.
Input: {p1, p2, p3, p4, ... pN}, [x, x']
Output: {pi | x <= pi <= x'}

First try: Sort all the points, then scan through the points.  Output all points in the range.
This is O(N), of course we can do better!

Second try: Build a balanced binary search tree, that looks like:

All points stored in the right subtree of a node are greater than the splitting value stored at the node.  All points in the left subtree are less than or equal to the splitting value. To find the points in a given range, proceed as follows:
FindPoints([x, x'], T)
    if T is a leaf node, then
        if x <= val(T) <= x' then
            return { val(T) }
            return {}
        end if
    end if
    <else T is an interior node of tree>
    if x' <= val(T) then
        return FindPoints([x, x'], left(T))
    else if x > val(T) then
        return FindPoints([x, x'], right(T))
    else <interval spans splitting value>
        return FindPoints([x, x'], left(T)) union FindPoints([x, x'], right(T))
    end if

Time complexity: This search takes O(log n + k) when there are k values in the interval, and n values in total.

How to build? There are two ways to build the tree.

  1. Top down: sort all the points, then proceed as follows:
  2. Bottom up: again, sort all the points.
What if the points are not unique? We just have to be careful about our grouping.  We could, for example, put more than one point into each node, if the points' coordinates are equal.

Other variations: store the median valued points in the internal nodes.

Searching for intervals on a line:

Given a list of N (possibly overlapping) intervals on a line, locate all the intervals overlapping a given interval on that line.

Input: {I1, I2, I3, IN}, [x, x'] where Ii = [xi, xi']
Output: {Ii | Ii overlaps [x, x']}

If we want to find intervals which overlap with a given point x, use the interval [x, x] as the query interval. In the following diagram, the query interval (marked in purple) overlaps with 4 input intervals (marked in green):

First try: stupid linear tricks....

Second try: Build an interval tree.

Finding the intervals: This is just like in the point tree case. We recurse...
    If the input interval contains the partitioning value stored at the root, then
        check the input interval against all the intervals stored at that node
    else recurse on the left or right or both children, as appropriate


Take home idea:

Divide datasets according to some partitioning value, which lets us build a tree structure.  This gives us log n algorithms instead of linear algorithms. Some of this issues (e.g. do we store values in interior nodes, or in leaves? do we build bottom up or top down?) show up in the higher dimension structures also.

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Douglas De Couto

Joshua Napoli

Last modified: Tue Mar 17 09:55:49 1998