Computer Graphics Teaching Staff

Office hours of Prof. Teller and the TA's are listed below. If you need to make an appointment outside of the scheduled office hours, or if you have a simple question that can be answered quickly through e-mail, you may either:

Be aware that, in general, your question will be answered more quickly if you send e-mail to the 6.837-staff e-mail list. If you send e-mail to a single TA, and he or she is very busy, you may not receive a response for some time.


Professor Seth Teller (
Office : NE43-208
Office Hours: TR 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Phone Number: (617) 258-7885

Course Secretary:

Mitch Mitchell (
Office : NE43-209
Phone Number: (617) 253-6837

Teaching Assistants:

Jonathan Levene (
Office : NE43 Second Floor Lounge
Office Hours: W12-1, R4-5, and by appointment
Phone Number: TBA

Luke Weisman (

Office : NE43 Second Floor Lounge
Office Hours: W2-4 and by appointment
Phone Number: TBA

David Gupta (

Office : NE43 Second Floor Lounge
Office Hours: T4-6 and by appointment
Phone Number: TBA

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Last modified Oct. 21 1997 by gupta