Welcome to the 6.837 Fun Page!

Computer-Generated Images

The MIT Computer Graphics Society
This is the home page for MIT's own group of graphics hackers, with graphics and animation programs and tools and objects used to create animated shorts. They offer an IAP Animation Workshop in January, and are also currently looking for new members.

The Computer Graphics and Animations Index
Check out this monstrous index of computer graphics and animations.

The Center for Innovative Computer Applications
Scan around in this web page to find out what kinds of questions researchers are currently trying to answer in the field of computer graphics.

The University of Manchester
These guys are graphics researchers, meaning that they've made a number of really cool pictures. They have developed a scene description language called anonymous ftp.

Syracuse University's Computer Graphics for the Arts
A neat computer graphic art exhibit.

Virtual Reality Markup Language page
This homepage is a general center to high-level graphics languages and ideas for a platform-independent scene design over a network. It has pointers to sample languages, to a hypertext version of the VRML mailing list, and a draft for the VRML version 1.0.

Some Related Businesses

Silicon Graphics!
See what's up with those funky guys who made the tools to create the dinosaurs in "Jurassic Park"! Check out the cool gallery of computer-generated images and animations.