6.837 Intro to Computer Graphics
Assignment 8: Curves & Surfaces

In this assignment you will complete the implementation for a simple 2D spline editor. You will support both Bezier and BSplines, and convert between the two curves (for bicubic splines with exactly 4 control points). Once your curves are working you will move on to creating surfaces from these curves: surfaces of revolution and bicubic Bezier patches.

This assignment is not highly coupled with the previous assignments. We are giving you a significant new code base (the curve_editor). You'll just use your OpenGL previsualization (from assignment 3) to view the triangle meshes you create.


Ideas for Extra Credit

New Code Base for this Assignment

You may modify these files as you wish, but you should only need to create the new classes described above.

Input Files

Sample Output

curve_editor -input spline8_01_bezier.txt -gui -curve_tessellation 30
curve_editor -input spline8_02_bspline.txt -gui -curve_tessellation 30

curve_editor -input spline8_01_bezier.txt -output_bezier output8_01_bezier.txt
curve_editor -input spline8_01_bezier.txt -output_bspline output8_01_bspline.txt
curve_editor -input spline8_02_bspline.txt -output_bezier output8_02_bezier.txt
curve_editor -input spline8_02_bspline.txt -output_bspline output8_02_bspline.txt
curve_editor -input output8_01_bezier.txt -gui -curve_tessellation 30
curve_editor -input output8_01_bspline.txt -gui -curve_tessellation 30
curve_editor -input output8_02_bezier.txt -gui -curve_tessellation 30
curve_editor -input output8_02_bspline.txt -gui -curve_tessellation 30

curve_editor -input spline8_03_bezier.txt -gui -curve_tessellation 30
curve_editor -input spline8_04_bspline.txt -gui -curve_tessellation 30
curve_editor -input spline8_05_bspline_dups.txt -gui -curve_tessellation 30

curve_editor -input spline8_06_torus.txt -curve_tessellation 4 -gui
curve_editor -input spline8_06_torus.txt -curve_tessellation 4 -revolution_tessellation 10 -output torus_low.obj
curve_editor -input spline8_06_torus.txt -curve_tessellation 30 -revolution_tessellation 60 -output torus_high.obj
raytracer -input scene8_06_torus_low.txt -gui -size 300 300
raytracer -input scene8_06_torus_high.txt -gui -size 300 300

curve_editor -input spline8_07_vase.txt -curve_tessellation 4 -output_bspline output8_07_edit.txt -gui
curve_editor -input output8_07_edit.txt -curve_tessellation 4 -revolution_tessellation 10 -output vase_low.obj
curve_editor -input output8_07_edit.txt -curve_tessellation 10 -revolution_tessellation 60 -output vase_high.obj
raytracer -input scene8_07_vase_low.txt -gui -size 300 300
raytracer -input scene8_07_vase_high.txt -gui -size 300 300

curve_editor -input spline8_08_bezier_patch.txt -gui
curve_editor -input spline8_08_bezier_patch.txt -patch_tessellation 4 -output patch_low.obj
curve_editor -input spline8_08_bezier_patch.txt -patch_tessellation 10 -output patch_med.obj
curve_editor -input spline8_08_bezier_patch.txt -patch_tessellation 40 -output patch_high.obj
raytracer -input scene8_08_bezier_patch_low.txt -gui -size 300 300
raytracer -input scene8_08_bezier_patch_med.txt -gui -size 300 300
raytracer -input scene8_08_bezier_patch_high.txt -gui -size 300 300

curve_editor -input spline8_09_teapot.txt -curve_tessellation 4 -gui
curve_editor -input spline8_09_teapot.txt -patch_tessellation 4 -curve_tessellation 4 -revolution_tessellation 10 -output teapot_low.obj
curve_editor -input spline8_09_teapot.txt -patch_tessellation 30 -curve_tessellation 30 -revolution_tessellation 100 -output teapot_high.obj
raytracer -input scene8_09_teapot_low.txt -gui -size 300 300
raytracer -input scene8_09_teapot_high.txt -gui -size 300 300

curve_editor -input output8_07_edit.txt -curve_tessellation 20 -revolution_tessellation 100 -output vase_very_high.obj
raytracer -input scene8_10_transparent_vase.txt -output output8_10.tga -grid 30 30 30 -size 300 300 -bounces 4 -shade_back -jittered_samples 9 -tent_filter 1.0 -shadows
raytracer -input scene8_11_reflective_teapot.txt -output output8_11.tga -grid 50 30 30 -size 300 300 -bounces 4 -shade_back -jittered_samples 9 -tent_filter 1.0 -shadows

See the main Assignments Page for submission information.