Intro to Computer Graphics, Fall 2003
9/2 - First day of class will be Thursday, Sept. 4, from 2:30-4pm in 4-163 | |
9/4 - Assignment 0 is now online. | |
9/5 - C++ review session will be Monday, Sept. 5, from 7:30-9pm in 35-225 | |
9/8 - C++ tutorial notes now online (PowerPoint or PDF) | |
9/9 - Assignment 1 is now online. | |
9/17 - Assignment 2 is now online. | |
9/18 - Linear Algebra tutorial will be Thursday, 9/18 from 7:30-9pm in 2-139 | |
9/19 - Linear Algebra tutorial notes now online (PowerPoint or PDF) | |
9/24 - Assignment 3 is now online. | |
10/8 - Assignment 4 is now online. | |
10/16 - Assignment 5 is now online. | |
10/16 - Post your final project ideas online. | |
10/22 - Schedule a time to discuss your final project ideas with Fredo. | |
11/18 - Quiz 2 Review Session, 7:30pm in 2-136 | |
11/20 - Quiz 2: In Class | |
11/26 - Schedule a time for your final project presentations |
Course Information | |
Staff | |
Course Calendar and lecture notes | |
Assignments | |
How to turn in programming assignments |
Help on C++ | |
How to add OpenGL on Athena | |
Sample final projects from previous years, 1997, 1999, 2002 | |
Latest Edition of Ray Tracing News | |
Efficiency Issues for Ray Tracing |
Graphics Tools on Athena | |
wxWindows, Cross-Platform GUI Library | |
CVS, Concurrent Versions System: Useful tool for sharing and managing project code. | |
example .obj files (Please don't redistribute), and
an .obj viewer for Linux. |
This page is maintained by Rob Jagnow