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term goals


here's a summary of suggested focus areas for you this term.
let's discuss briefly if you're here at 4 -- may be our last
chance to chat before i take off for italy saturday.

first, i'd like you to finish the walls pipeline, and make
situated, stacked building models work for most of campus.
(it's ok if there are a few broken buildings -- but for
these, please document what is non-conforming, i.e., what
is the cause of the broken output.)  make sure that the
pipeline log works and allows browsing of both working
outputs, and failure diagnostics.

second, please work with vitaly to integrate height info
into the buildings' position so that they appear correctly
when integrated with the height-varying basemap.  i'd also
like you to support his efforts on furniture population,
stair, ramp, and elevator generation/population, and
auto-texturing of building exteriors (and eventually many
interiors as well).

third, please work with patrick and peter to achieve useful
route rendering for routes generated by patrick's planner.
what i have in mind is a "picture-in-picture" view with an
inset 2D map showing an overview of the route, and a full
3D view showing the user's view as s/he actually traverses
the route.  it would be cool to serve these up across the
network in response to a route query a la MIT's whereis pages.
my UROP matt wilkerson is building a nice image-streaming
capability for his work on http://monitor.lcs.mit.edu --
perhaps you could adapt some of his code to stream rendered
images to the user.

that's probably plenty to take you through mid-november
when i return.  please keep your UROP log up-to-date and
keep me posted with reasonably regular emails (to me or to
the group for archiving).

prof. t.