Examples for TAMI


  1. Download cwm from the public w3c CVS repository
  2. Install cwm
  3. The examples can be run off the web


  1. We have developed a very simple example in N3 for the Deadbeat Dad law. We also use a filter to go through the conclusions and figure out whether someone is a deadbeat dad or not.

    This example can be run as

    cwm http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2005/10/TAMI/examples/deadbeat3.n3 --filter="http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2005/10/TAMI/examples/filter.n3"

    If cwm was installed correctly, the following is the output
    #Processed by Id: cwm.py,v 1.176 2005/08/10 17:03:22 syosi Exp 
            #    using base http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2005/10/TAMI/examples/deadbeat3.n3
    #  Notation3 generation by
    #       notation3.py,v 1.183 2005/08/22 21:12:53 timbl Exp
    #   Base was: http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2005/10/TAMI/examples/deadbeat3.n3
         @prefix :  .
        :Harry     a :NotDeadbeatDad .
        :Joe     a :DeadbeatDad .
  2. We have updated the deadbeat dad example with some more details. The example can be run as

    cwm http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2005/10/TAMI/examples/deadbeat3.n3

  3. Using K's hypothetical use case we have a example of data collected, TSA's rules for checking whether someone is a suspected terrorist, and the privacy laws.

    The example is run in two steps. The first step simulates the TSA using the information from the airline and TSC to figure out that there is a possible match.

    cwm http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2005/10/TAMI/examples/data.n3 http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2005/10/TAMI/examples/tsa-rules.n3 --think --filter="http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2005/10/TAMI/examples/tsa-rules.n3"

    This produces the following output
    #Processed by Id: cwm.py,v 1.176 2005/08/10 17:03:22 syosi Exp 
          #    using base file:/Users/lkagal1/
    #  Notation3 generation by
    #       notation3.py,v 1.183 2005/08/22 21:12:53 timbl Exp
    #   Base was: file:/Users/lkagal1/
         @prefix :  .
         :TSA     :possibleMatch :Pnr1 .
    The second step involves generating the proof tree for the above inference and checking whether the information was collected and matched according to the privacy policy. However, as a first step we have developed a simple privacy policy rule file that checks whether an agency is permitted to collect certain information. We only check whether TSC is permitted to collect information about Suspected Terrorists.
    To run the example,

    cwm http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2005/10/TAMI/examples/data.n3 http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2005/10/TAMI/examples/privacy-policy.n3 --think --filter="http://dig.csail.mit.edu/2005/10/TAMI/examples/privacy-policy.n3"

    The output should be
    #Processed by Id: cwm.py,v 1.176 2005/08/10 17:03:22 syosi Exp 
            #    using base file:/Users/lkagal1/Research/Grants/TAMI/hypothetical/
    #  Notation3 generation by
    #       notation3.py,v 1.183 2005/08/22 21:12:53 timbl Exp
    #   Base was: file:/Users/lkagal1/Research/Grants/TAMI/hypothetical/
         @prefix :  .
         :TSC     :permittedToCollect {:JohnDoe     a :SuspectedTerrorist .
             } .


TAMI - Transparent Accountable Datamining Initiative
N3 - Notation3 - Design Issues article
N3 Rules - Experience with N3 rules
Cwm - A general purpose reasoner for the Semantic Web

maintained by Lalana Kagal