@incollection{vemal-neurips, title = "Compiler Auto-Vectorization with Imitation Learning", author = "Mendis, Charith and Yang, Cambridge and Pu, Yewen and Amarasinghe, Saman and Carbin, Michael", booktitle = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NeurIPS)", editor = "H. Wallach and H. Larochelle and A. Beygelzimer and F. d\textquotesingle Alch\'{e}-Buc and E. Fox and R. Garnett", pages = "14598--14609", year = "2019", month = "Dec", publisher = "Curran Associates, Inc.", keywords = "SLP,ML4C", url = "http://groups.csail.mit.edu/commit/papers/19/vemal-nips.pdf" }