VersaBench – A Benchmark Suite for Versatile Architectures

Benchtools provide a set of scripts for compiling and running benchmarks that are in a specific benchmark-package format (described below). The scripts require the following environment variables:

BENCHTOOLS_ROOTthis is the path to the benchtools directory
HOST_COMPILERthis is the compiler to be used to compile the benchmark source
HOST_PLATFORMthis is the type of the computing substrate where the benchmark will be compiled and run
USER_BENCH_PATHXthis is the path to the benchmark directory tree (X = 1, 2 , 3, or 4)

In addition, the $BENCHTOOLS_ROOT/scripts directory should be included in the shell path. The scripts provided are:

find_bench_dirreturns the path to the specified benchmark
copy_bench_srccopies the source files from the specified benchmark to the local directory
remove_bench_srcremoves the source files of the specified benchmarks from the local directory
read_compile_inforeturns the compilation flags necessary to build the specified benchmark
compile_benchbuilds the specified benchmark (using the $HOST_COMPILER and flags returned by read_compile_info)
read_exec_inforeturns the set of commands and arguments necessary to run a benchmark for a specified input workload (use find_bench_inputs to retrieve the set of workloads for a benchmark)
run_benchruns the specified benchmarks using all of its input workloads

The benchmark-package format requires that every benchmark has its own directory (e.g., $USER_BENCH_PATH1/foobar). The package (directory) contains:

compile_infoa file that defines various flags necessary to compile a benchmark (e.g., pre-processing options, library requirements, training and evaluation input workloads)
compile_parmsa file to override compile time parameters (not supported in this version of benchtools)
src/a flat (no subdirectories) directory that includes all source files, including header files
exec_info_input_xxxa file that contains information for running the benchmark for input workload xxx (if a benchmark requires input files, or to store sample outputs, appropriate directories can be created within the benchmark package).

Many of the scripts, and the benchmark-package format, are adopted from the Trimaran compilation infrastructure. Please review the license agreement for more details.

Last updated: Saturday May 29 2004