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5th Annual MIT Student Workshop on Scalable Computing

August 8, 1995

Wellesley Science Center, Wellesley, MA

The workshop will be sponsored by the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science to promote an interchange of ideas among the various research activities at MIT related to scalable computing. This year's student workshop will be entirely organized by students. Students --- undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral --- are encouraged to submit short, 2-page abstracts of recent technical accomplishments. All submitted abstracts will be bound in a volume to be distributed at the workshop and which will later be available as an LCS technical report. About 18 of the submitted abstracts will be selected for presentation. Submissions are encouraged in any area of scalable computing, including (but not restricted to) the following:

  • Algorithms
  • Analog computing
  • Architectures
  • Computer-aided design
  • Databases
  • Languages
  • Compilers
  • Mobile Computing
  • Networks
  • Numerical methods
  • Reliability
  • Scientific applications
  • Simulation
  • Storage hierarchies
  • Telepresence
  • Theory
  • VLSI chips
  • World Wide Web


    Please follow these instructions carefully. Submit a single-sided original (for reproduction) and 15 double-sided and 3-hole punched copies (for committee evaluation) of a 2-page abstract that briefly describes the technical contributions of the work. The first page must begin with a title, the author's name, and MIT and email addresses. Joint submissions by students are acceptable, but the student making the presentation should be listed as first author. Faculty coauthorship is not allowed, although student-written abstracts based on joint work with faculty members are permitted. The abstract should describe the essential ideas in the research and have a short bibliography that includes any published papers or technical memoranda on which the abstract is based. Every abstract should have at least one figure, table, diagram, or photograph. A footnote on the bottom of the first page should identify the student's faculty supervisor and acknowledge research support. Abstracts should be submitted to

    MIT Student Workshop, Room NE43-201

    before the deadline of *Friday, May 12, 1995*. Papers selected for presentation will be announced by June 16, 1995. In addition to considering technical merit, the Program Commitee will select presentations which provide an interesting cross-section of the community. Papers submitted shortly after the deadline may be included in the proceedings, but will not necessarily be considered for presentation.

    Also submit the following items (via anonymous ftp to :

  • A postscript copy of your abstract *previewable by ghostview*
  • html in the following format (containing abstract title, authors, and links to any authors with web pages).
  • Student Workshop Abstract Template by Frederic Chong.
  • Filenames for postscript should be: abstracts/, eg. abstracts/
  • Filenames for html should be: pointers/Author1-...-Authorn.html, eg. pointers/Chery-Chong-Kleinberg.html
  • Multiple submissions with the same author list should distinguish files with a number at the end (eg. abstracts/
  • Detailed instructions, latex templates, and html templates are available from

    Please follow the electronic instructions as closely as possible, as the review and electronic distribution process will be automated. Papers may be submitted for publication only, in which case only one single-sided hardcopy is needed and the submission envelope should be clearly marked with "no talk." (Not on the camera-ready copy!)

    General Chair

    Yonald Chery

    Program Chair

    Frederic Chong

    Invited Speakers and Publicity Chair

    Jon Kleinberg

    Faculty Advisor

    Alan Edelman

    Program Committee

  • Michael Bolotski, Abacus Group
  • Frederic Chong, Alewife Group
  • Derek Chiou, Computation Structures Group
  • Jon Kleinberg, Theory of Computation Group
  • Kathleen Knobe, Concurrent VLSI Architectures Group
  • Ulana Legedza, Large-scale Parallel Software Group
  • Andrew Myers, Programming Methodology Group
  • Joel Phillips, Research Laboratory for Electonics
  • David Shoemaker, Numesh Group
  • Deborah Wallach, Parallel and Distributed Operating Systems Group
  • H. B. Weinberg, Theory of Computation Group
