File MPEGencoder.str.pre
Version 1.0

This file contains functions that allow one to encode MPEG-2 compliant video. The code is based on the MPEG-2 specification (ISO/IEC 13818-2). The MPEG-2 encoder is a work in progress, although it works within a limited test range. Throughout the source code, citations are made in cases where an understanding of the code would be helped by looking at an outside source. The format I have chosen is (cite NUM#, LOOKUP_INFO). NUM=1 refers to ISO/IEC: 13818-2, and NUM=2 refers to the reference MPEG implementation written in C, available at [].

Component Summary
int->bit rawImageStream_to_MPEGStream
          Interprets an input stream of raw video and encodes a compressed MPEG-2 compliant bit stream, in accordance with the IEEE MPEG-2 specification.

Component Detail


int->bit rawImageStream_to_MPEGStream(int width, int height, int numpictures)
Interprets an input stream of raw video and encodes a compressed MPEG-2 compliant bit stream, in accordance with the IEEE MPEG-2 specification.

<int> - A series of images representing the frames of the video. Each image consists of 3 integers for each pixel, with the number of pixels per image equalling the width height of the video. Frames are output in time order, top to bottom, left to right, and RGB color order.
<bit> - An MPEG-2 compliant bit stream of variable length.
width - The resolution width of the video.
height - The resolution height of the video.
numpictures - The number of pictures to be put into the video.

Please contact the author (Matthew Drake) for more information.